Yes, my time in my all-girls school was one of the best times of my life.
That's not to say I don't still look back and wonder what it would've been like to have a high school experience like they show you in movies because I do. I just know that, for me, I made the right choice.
I actually only applied to all girls high schools. I knew what I wanted right off the bat. Now, after being graduated for a little bit (I'm old, it's sad), I can look back and see that it really helped build my self-confidence and individual voice.
I was able to actually focus on academics and still have a social life with...boys. In school, it was all about getting my work done, without the fear of being wrong or judged for my opinion. No one was shy because the environment we were learning in cultivated us to share our points of view. I didn't care that I literally rolled out of bed, wearing sweatpants under my school skirt and a sweatshirt over my polo shirt.
Everyone showed up to school not caring how they looked because going to school isn't about parading around like it's a fashion show, it's about the actual learning.
Speaking in front of a room of your girlfriends is, in my opinion, easier than giving a speech in front of that boy you have a crush on. At an all-girls school, they teach you to develop your voice. You get encouragement from both your peers and your teachers.
If there's one other thing that you learn at an all-girls school, it's that girls love food. Obviously, I knew this before, because duh, but when you're surrounded by girls all you hear us talking about is food for some reason. This just makes you realize that we can all relate to each other.
The only thing is, I still have no idea how to figure out a man, but I don't think that's going to change anytime soon, all-girls school or not.