Originally I thought to make this an “Open Letter,” but I decided against it because its very purpose is to be personal. I’m writing this for you.
I began writing for the Odyssey for a few reasons; mostly to ask questions and start a conversation. Also, I knew my writing skills needed some improvement that would only come with time and practice. But one of the shadowing goals was to be able to connect with people better. Right now I want to focus on this goal.
I’ll get to how this applies to you momentarily. I was thinking the other day about my life, specifically what exactly I want to do after school (right now I’m at a bit of a crossroads but that’s another article for another time). I came to the conclusion that I was alright with whatever choice so long as I could be there for people. I started thinking about the butterfly effect, which has always fascinated me, and began to wonder who touched the lives of people we know for doing extraordinary thing like Beethoven, Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Plato, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on and is prone to change based on who is a hero in your eyes.
Regardless of who makes your list, imagine their life. Someone must have raised them, someone must have encouraged them, I'd bet it changes with each person's story, but the fact is that someone shaped them to be who they are. Someone reminded them of who they are and encouraged their passion.
So then my conclusion is this; if I could be that person for you, the one who touches your heart, proves to you that you are loved because you are a purposefully created image bearer of God, and inspires you to do or be something, then that is enough. If this article moves you and anything else I write goes to waste, that will be enough for me. You are enough. It’s not “All for one and one for all,” for me. It’s just all for one. My all, all for you.