Dear "All Eyez On Me" Haters | The Odyssey Online
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Dear "All Eyez On Me" Haters

What's all of the movie buzz about?

Dear "All Eyez On Me" Haters
NY Daily News

As most of you all know, the long awaited Tupac Shakur biopic premiered on Tupac's birthday, June 16. Since the movies release, many people have shared their opinions about the film, and most of them are not nice. You can get a better idea of the feedback over at

Among the critics were a few celebrities like Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson who suggested in an Instagram post that people should not go watch the movie in theaters but instead watch it on a Fire Stick at home. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion; however, I think 50 Cent should have thought out his response before posting it on Instagram. Considering all of the struggles that African-American writers and producers endure in Hollywood, it pains me to see another black producer publicly not support another's work. 50 Cent has shows and brands of his own, and I'm sure he wouldn't want someone to bash his products. So for this post, sir, you get a hater of the month award, congratulations!

Jada Pinkett-Smith, who was one of Tupac's dear friends, also expressed her opinion on the scenes that included her through a series of tweets.

Considering the fact that Jada had a personal relationship with Tupac, I can understand why she would feel some type of way about the scenes. However, Kat Graham, who plays Jada in the film, said that she spoke with her before filming. So this makes me wonder why Jada didn't put her two cents in during filming and not after the release. Although, I do think that it was nice of her to let the actors know that they did a good job. Much love and respect to you anyway Aunt Jada!

Now to the final section of haters in the back! Those who made a grand total of zero dollars off of the film. Why are y'all mad again? The actors did a great job; the only thing that I think could've been done better was picking a better looking Snoop Dogg. I've seen a lot of tweets and comments comparing it to Notorious, the Biggie Smalls biopic that came out in 2009. I would like to kindly point out the number one reason why the two films should not be compared.

The reason simply is, Christopher "Notorious B.I.G" Wallace had a wife, family, and friends who helped with the making of the film. The only "friend" alive that could help with "All Eyez On Me" is Shug Knight (who's currently in jail) and let's be real, can we trust anything this man says? The only person to help with his biopic was his mother Afeni Shakur, who died during the making of the film.

Now that the haters are out of the way, I highly suggest that everyone interested in the film go watch the film for themselves and form their own opinions. Support black producers and their films.

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