Soccer players are a special breed, and once one leaves the sport following a long career in it they feel as though they are missing a piece of themselves. Below are seven distinct things every ex-soccer player does:
1. Instinctively kick any ball they come across.
Sorry! It's just a habit.
2. Use pre-wrap as a go-to headband.
It's so convenient and it's one of the only things that actually stays in your hair.
3. Yell at the TV telling players what they should be doing.
One does not simply give up soccer. As it expands in the U.S., it's becoming easier and easier to continue living vicariously through the MLS and other leagues around the world. And that gives you an outlet to flex your soccer knowledge.
4. Wear your old warmups.
They're just so comfortable and versatile. Why waste clothes you spent a good portion of money on?
5. Follow your high school and/or club team.
And secretly hope that the years you played will be considered the "hay day" of the program.
6. Become nostalgic coming across soccer fields.
You spent so much time there growing up, it's hard not to become nostalgic for the good 'ole days.