Hey guys, it's me, Alexa! I realized that I hadn't formally introduced myself, making me the mysterious (but not really) author behind the screen. I have been writing music related articles for about 6 months now, which is still crazy to me!
So where do I start? Okay, I am the youngest of 9 siblings, 4 brothers and 4 sisters to be exact. I have been alive for 23 years (and counting); and I am on my way to get a Bachleor's degree in journalism. I haved lived in Florida for well over 10 years, and I am dying to move to a place with mountains, and seasons!
I have a passion for nature, everything from hiking to dabbling in gardening. I also love animals, and do what I can to ensure the safety, health, and happiness of all animals.
(Adopt/Rescue; Don't Shop!)
Roughly 6 months ago, I made the decision to go vegan, which cuts all animal products out of your diet. I though it was going to be one of the hardest changes, but I was completely shocked at how easy (and delicious!) it is to eat only plant based foods. I really can't believe I didn't do it sooner.
I also collect salt and pepper shakers, and I have about 25 pairs so far! They are all different, some are animals, food, objects, but all of them are interesting to me! (Holla at ya girl if you find any unique ones!)
Okay enough about my interests outside of here. Let's get down to what you really want to know; what music do I like, do I watch award shows, do I have a favorite band? To put it simply, I enojy every genre of music. However, there are some that I favor more than others. I would say that hip-hop, pop-punk, and hardcore are my top 3 music genres. My favorite band I'm going to say is Letlive., they just captivate me, and I cry at every one of their shows, and it leaves me so awakened.
Even though I tell myself I don't care about award shows, I always end up getting caught up in the events of the show, and whose winning.
I love to go to shows at small venues, but honestly, if a band I like is playing near me, I don't care what kind of venue it is being held in. I am very lucky to be able to help work for a promoter who books pretty much all fo my favorite bands. This means I am able to work with all of these bands too!!
I hope this didn't bore you all too much! Thank you for checking out my opinions nad interests, it's pretty rad!
Well, it was nice to "meet" you!