All Aboard The #StruggleBus | The Odyssey Online
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All Aboard The #StruggleBus

You can't ride it forever

All Aboard The #StruggleBus

By this time in the semester, the novelty of coming back to school has mostly, if not completely, worn off. You've gotten yourself somewhat back into your usual back-to-school routine, and now you're just chugging along trying to make it to the light at the end of the tunnel each week (usually this light is what we call THE WEEKEND!!).

Then, suddenly you realize that it is just about time for that first wave of exams of the semester, and you discover that all of your professors have decided to schedule exams one right after another, almost every single day of the same week. Not to mention, your first paper is due, plus two homework assignments for another class.

As if anything else could go wrong, you seem to have contacted that nasty cold-flu-stomachbug-something or other sickness from the kid in class who sits behind you, who never stops coughing and sneezing...and so did everyone else in the entire student body. Stress is high, sleep and morale are low. Overall, you're probably feeling a little overwhelmed, and basically hopeless, when thinking about whether or not you'll survive this first wave, let alone survive the whole semester. Talk about a major trip on the #StruggleBus. So I'm here to remind you that you CAN survive and that you WILL survive.

Remember: You've done it before, you can do it again.

Remember every other time you've felt like this? Midway through the past two, four, or six semesters? Like things are just too rough and that there was no way you would make it out to the other side? The very fact that you're here, reading this, hitting the slump in a new semester, just means that you made it out last time. And that means you can make it out this time, too. It is always easier said than done, but just think of how relieved you'll be when you can sit back and say, "Man, what was I so worried about?" Like I said: you've done it before, you can do it again, and as soon as you make it, you'll be happier than ever.

Remember: Relax and take a deep breath.

There is a reason that you're right here, right now, going through the ups and the downs. The hard work, the sleepless nights, that overwhelming feeling in the pit of your stomach, will not be for nothing. Everyone has to do the work and endure the hard times to get where they want to go. I know it is cliche, but hey, no one never said it would be easy, they only said that it would be worth it. Sit back, take a deep breath, relax for a minute, and then keep on grinding along.

Sooner or later, the #StruggleBus is going to have to make a pit stop, and you'll be the first one getting off!

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