Hello friend,
I don't even know where to begin this letter. We've seen so many crazy things in our life. We conquered the elementary school playgrounds, survived the awkward middle school years we don't need to revisit, pushed our way through to graduating high school and continue to go strong today. It's hard to believe I've found someone that understands me so completely.
I believe that in life you have different people who are your soulmates. You are my soulmate, at least in the best friend kind of way. You and I share a connection that not many people get in their lives. With one look at each other, we can understand what the other is thinking and hold an entire conversation with just different facial expressions (I'm pretty sure anyone who has seen this has questioned our sanity). You're my favorite person to gossip with, laugh with and be myself with.
I used to think I was better off on my own. I never really connected with anyone and would pass through friend group to friend group as the years went by. Then you came along. We may not have been close throughout all the years, but you were always a constant presence in my life. Looking back on our friendship, I never thought that you would be the one. I'm sure glad you are though.
If it weren't for you I wouldn't be half the person I am today. There were times in my life where I felt I had no one to turn to, but you proved me wrong. You are my shoulder to cry on, my hand to hold (even when they get sweaty) and my favorite person to binge out on junk food with. I mean who else am I going to find that won't judge me for ordering three whole meals from four different fast food chains? Answer: probably no one else. You've seen me ugly cry over stupid boys, helped me create revenge plans for said boys and everything else in between.
There may come a day where we have to go our separate ways, (although I'm still banking on us moving into a lofted apartment in the city one day), and that scares the crap out of me. You won't be a short two minute drive from my house, I won't be able just to walk into your house and greet your family as if I'm one of them (which basically I am, let's be honest). I think the longest we've ever been apart is like two weeks. How will we ever survive more than that?
Even if this does happen, I know one thing to be true. You're always going to be with me; there will always be a part of you in my heart. Thank you for being one of the best things in my life. I love you forever and always.
Your other half