Dear Middle School Me,
Back then we did some amazing things. This was just a time where you were trying to find yourself. Yes, I understand finding yourself is caking up those major zits and putting on massive blue eyeshadow.
I know that we struggled from feeling like Shrek in the hallways, being one of the first girls in your friend group to have your period and having those girls tell you that you can finally lose your “v-card.” Don’t worry, the stain on your pants is not a shame but an accomplishment of entering womanhood. Your looks will get better and as much as you try, your hair will never stay straight.
Just a reminder that girls are mean, but we knew this from the beginning. Those friends that you were so close to aren’t around anymore, but hopefully a few certain ones still are. Those notes you wrote and pictures you drew to your best friends are still sitting in your room. Every once in a while you remember the guy you stared at in English, the one you couldn’t help but start an awkward conversation with just because that meant you were “talking” and no one else was around to say otherwise. Those random names you heard shouted in the halls were your nicknames.
I wish that you knew that boys are still boys, some looks may count but that’s not all that matters, friendships will grow no matter who they are with and those nicknames and notes still remain. I know you know that friend who was once your frenemy, but now you are closer than ever. Just like that blue eye-shadow that was on your face, they just signify a short time in your life, middle school.