With the emergence of mp3 files and digital downloads, music tends to be consumed in singles. These singles showcase a particular song off an upcoming album as a way to get people interested. And there is nothing wrong with downloading a single- anything that supports an artist is always beneficial to all parties involved. But, if one limits themselves to buying almost exclusively singles, then they are missing out on the experience of listening to the album in its entirety.
If you really fancy a single, chances are that the album contains more songs to satisfy your tastes. Passing up on an album with really good singles is like leaving money on the table. Why wouldn't you take it?
In regards to money, it is understandable why singles are a more viable option than an album. They cost less, and give you the opportunity to buy more from a variety of different artists. Trying to diversify your musical library is always commendable. Although this may be the case for many, I would still say you're missing out on a wealth of other songs that didn't quite make the radio.
Katy Perry in her new music video for her single, "Rise", released just in time for the 2016 Olympics.
Each album has a story to tell. Even if the artist comes out and says that it is not a concept record, the listener ultimately connects the dots as they see fit. That is the beauty of art, as it is up for interpretation. And, like any other work of art, it makes more sense to view the piece as a whole before dissecting its components and siting what makes it great or not.
An album is an experience that I would compare to a book or movie. The artist has compiled a series of songs to feed your imagination, much like other media serves to take you away from your personal reality. More often than not, I can say an album has taken me on a journey of sorts; One song can take me to a desolate arctic wasteland and the very next song can take me to a fisherman's wharf somewhere off the coast of Maine.
Rapper Kendrick Lamar in a still from his video for "Swimming Pools"
The satisfaction from finishing an album will feel as if you had finished a movie or finished a book because the experience is very much like an adventure. Different emotions come into play as the songs progress, problems arise and messages are embedded everywhere. It is a lot to take in and it is worth taking in. The dynamic nature of the album is simply unmatched by the single.