Guide To An Alabama Fan's Valentine's Day | The Odyssey Online
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Guide To An Alabama Fan's Valentine's Day

Find a valentine and take them to one of these places

Guide To An Alabama Fan's Valentine's Day
UA Zeta //

You're either really into the holiday or you're really not - there is no such thing as a happy medium when it comes to celebrating the 14th of February. The same 'go big or go home' approach applies to being an Alabama football fan as well.

If you happen to be eager about both Alabama football and Valentine's Day, I have compiled a list of things for you and your bae to get into. As a college student it can be difficult to have much time for each other outside of date parties and study sessions at Bruno. Between being drunk in love and just drunk, balancing school and a honey, a lot of people draw a blank on where to take their significant other on dates.

Here is your cheat sheet of something to do that's not something they did with their ex for Valentine's Day last year. These extend past the typical dinner and movie combination date that people who have the unfortunate trait of not being an Alabama student have to settle for.

A wise man once mentioned his choice of breakfast happened to be a Little Debbie treat, Oatmeal Creme Pies, and the entire Alabama football fan base came undone. Really, it was like Nick Saban unveiled his entire playbook and broadcast it on myBama. Alabama football fans were fascinated that our legendary, regal leader has a sweet tooth. So when Valentine's Day rolls around and your significant other also lives a devoted roll tide lifestyle have a romantic picnic with the kind of fine dining our coach would enjoy: Oatmeal Creme Pies paired with an infamous Yellow Hammer.

If your better half is one that is die-hard through and through with absolutely no limitation to their love for Alabama football, the Paul W. Bryant museum is the place to go. Weave your way through the years of all things Alabama football and bask in the glory of being repeated winners. What's better than having a museum to archive all of the moments we were better than everyone else?

Maybe on the 14th, take the apple of your eye to a gourmet meal that will make your wallet, at most, $15 lighter. Rama Jama's is a staple in any University of Alabama student's time at the Capstone. It's the Southern comfort food and the refreshingly low prices keep students coming back. Not only that it's just a few steps away from Bryant-Denny stadium, but the diner is a shrine to Alabama football. If you're a really big Alabama fan there is nowhere better to take in the view of Alabama memorabilia over a sausage biscuit. Treat your Valentine to an early breakfast in the Alabama football oriented cafe.

Finally, take your love on a romantic walk through the walk of champions and bask in the glory of 16 national titles. What better way to combine your love of Alabama football and your significant other than to share it with the statues of the coaches you love the most?

Hopefully, you and your honey get yourself into something that signifies not only your love for each other but Alabama football as well.

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