1.You probably know about the weave in the tree.
There was literally a big piece of weave in the tree a few years ago. It isn't there now, but if you saw it, you remember it.
2. You have seen Gumbo Ya-Ya at all the football games because she is the real mascot.
She is a fake head on a stick. She comes to all of the games to cheer on her Prattville Lions.
3. You have probably experienced or heard about the traumas of the newspaper project in Murph’s class.
I had to do this, and I am lucky that I still have my friends. Fights have broken out over this project.
4. You whole-heartedly believe that Stanhope has no hope. Zero! None!
If I have to explain this, you did not attend PHS.
5. You know that the walls sweat. Seriously!
When the halls get too humid, the walls sweat. It is so gross and makes your hair frizzy.
6. You know that you have to wear winter clothes in the summer and summer clothes in the winter. There is no comfortable temperature.
Only one unit controls the entire front hallway. So when the air is on, it is freezing. But when the heat is on, you are in a sauna.
7. You know that the library is 10 degrees colder than the hallway.
It is Antartica, so you better bring a jacket.
8. You spent your Friday nights at Stanley-Jensen Stadium cheering on your Prattville Lions.
We have the best team and the best school spirit around. Plus, there is nothing else to do on a Friday night.
9. You probably complained about at least one of the following: no more paper towels, no books, too much work because of new books, too many TVs, or the crazy temperature.
Yes, all of these things are true (*sign*).
10. It is a proven fact that a good chunk of the students cannot drive and/or park.
My car has been hit many times in this parking lot, mainly by car doors. There will be people who park in two parking spaces, or park over the line and will not move. I have even seen someone hit a car on purpose.
11. You know that the parking lot used to be a hazard.
If you went here, you remember the large potholes all over the place. Well, the good news is that part of the parking lot has been paved, but the crazy drives still make it a hazard.
12. You own at least one thing that has a Power P on it.
Sweatshirts, T-shirts and decals! Oh My! If you went to Prattville, you owned something with this iconic symbol on it.
13. You could buy some of the best fresh made cookies for $1.25.
You can smell them all through the halls on the days they are made.
14. You probably spent most of your money in the coffee shop because it is either cold inside or outside. Plus, who doesn’t like coffee or hot chocolate?
I know people who get coffee every day, but why not? It is right there!
15. You know that we always had the best run-through signs at football games.
Do I need to say more? Just look below.
16. You either know the alma mater or you know the part where it says “Prattville High All Hail!”
When you get to this point, you scream it at the top of your lungs.
17. You were probably involved in some kind of club or sport because there are a lot.
I mean a lot. Book clubs, Beta Club, Anime and much more.
18. The word “pod” to describe a hallway is not weird to you.
This is kind of hard to explain, but you probably know what I mean.
19. Winning is in your blood!
We have won five state championship games for football. Plus, many more for many other sports and clubs.
20. For recent graduates, you probably remember your principal’s Elvis impression when singing ‘Happy Birthday.”
21. You probably had a least one teacher who went to school at PHS.
22. Big crowds don’t scare you because you had at least 400 in your graduating class.
That is just at a pep rally, so that is the whole school.