Airplane Etiquette: Tips Every Passenger Should Consider | The Odyssey Online
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Airplane Etiquette: Tips Every Passenger Should Consider

Just a friendly reminder for our frequent travelers.

Airplane Etiquette: Tips Every Passenger Should Consider

I had a flight recently and throughout, I noticed that there were a lot of inconsiderate people on it. This article is not so much to complain about what people do wrong on flights, but rather, what every passenger should consider in order to improve the flight experience; not only for the other passengers but for the flight attendants as well. Many of the “tips” below may not even be considered tips but can instead, serve as a friendly reminder for our frequent travelers.

1. Arrive on Time

I understand that some things are simply out of a person’s control, like, missing a connecting flight, for example. However, it’s highly inconsiderate to make passengers wait because you didn’t time out your trip properly. In most cases, passengers are to arrive 2-3 hrs before their flight and this is to ensure that everyone can get through check-in, security, customs, etc. in a timely manner.

2. Be Kind, Always

This is something we are taught at a young age and it shouldn’t take someone to remind you that you should not only be kind to those around you but to the staff on board as well. I’ve experienced flights where other passengers have started verbally fighting onboard. No one wants to start a flight out like this and it’s not fair for the flight attendant to have to break it up. Remember what your mother taught you; if you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.

3. Watch Your Volume

Flights are the perfect time for people to practice some downtime and relax, especially for those that aren’t overly comfortable with flying. Many people enjoy quietly listening to music, sleeping, or looking out the window peacefully. However, in some cases, people choose to have loud conversations, blast their music, and even yell. This serves as a reminder to watch how loud you may be getting and respect those around you.

4. Don’t Take Up All The Overhead Space

I think this one speaks for itself but I think it should go without saying that you shouldn’t be hogging the overhead space for yourself. Pack courteously, don’t stow your items away horizontally, and if you have more than one carry-on, you should be packing one in the overhead bin and one at your feet.

5. Cautionary Conversation

While not everyone may feel the same about this one, I think it’s still important to note that you should proceed with caution when starting a conversation on an airplane with a stranger. Keep in mind that not everyone wants to have a conversation and if they do, then please keep in mind that some topics should not be discussed with strangers. Politics, conspiracy theories, crimes, religion, and the finer personal details of ones life, may not be the best topics of conversation to start with a stranger… trust me, I’ve had them all.

6. Respect Space

Keep in mind that everyone pays for a seat, and therefore, should be able to have the right to their entire seat space. This includes but is not limited to: resting your hand on someone else’s armrest, falling asleep on their shoulder, half-sitting on their seat as well as yours, and leaning over someone’s shoulder to watch what they’re doing.

7. Show Some Hospitality

It’s always nice to ensure that a parent and child stick together. If you’re traveling alone and if possible, consider giving up your seat to sit somewhere else so a parent and child don’t have to be separated on a busy flight. While everyone loves that cozy window seat, sometimes it’s just more important to give it up to guarantee the safety or comfort of others.

All of these reminders should come as common sense and most people probably don’t need me to remind me of them. While these aren’t directed at everyone, it’s just something for passengers to consider prior to boarding his or her flight to ensure that everyone remains comfortable throughout. And lastly, don’t forget to thank the pilot before you depart the plane.

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