This is a response to 17 foods to cook in an air fryer.
Do I have an air fryer? No. But the holiday season is fast approaching, and I know what's at the top of my Christmas list- even if it's on the list of presents I get myself.
It's no secret that air fryers are one of the most popular cooking gadgets around these days. On top of that, the idea of being able to have fried foods without all the added oil is a dream come true. Here are five recipes that get me excited to own an air fryer.
Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries
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Air Fryer Sweet Potato
Air Fryer TofuÂ
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Air Fryer Tofu Is Perfect For Meatless
Air Fryer PotatoesÂ
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Air Fryer Potatoes Are The Crispiest In
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