Agriculture is the wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness. -Thomas Jefferson
While most people were in Denver, Colorado for the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo, I was enjoying the warm weather in College Station, Texas while my mom stayed home to do the chores. The National Western Stock Show consists of many things including a parade, a rodeo, a petting zoo, and cattle shows. But have you ever wondered why you're seeing sports on television instead of the stock show that deals with some of the best genetics in the world. The agricultural industry has been the backbone on this nation since the beginning. With previous president's continuously putting agriculture first. President's like George Washington said, "Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man." He was our first president of the nation that told everyone, "I would rather be on my farm, than be emperor of the world." Agriculture meant everything to George Washington, a person everyone respected and believed in. So why are television stations like RFD TV, CBC, Northern Ag Network, or even Rural Radio not taking over this nation wide event to broadcast in promoting the ag industry within the nation.
In 1900, 38 percent of the United States' workers were employed in agriculture. Today, there are less than 2 percent. In fact, farmers and ranchers are 800 percent more likely to die on the job than any other industry. How does this even make sense? If there are only 2 percent in the agricultural industry, but they are more likely to die than any other industry worker, how is agriculture still present. The fact is that agriculture could never go away because the world needs it to survive. Agriculture is what feeds everyone. We're going to have to figure out how to feed more than 9 billion people by 2050. That's why it is absolutely crucial that those in the ag industry be educated with what is going on in it. But how can we do that if we're at home calving or taking care of chores while others are at the stock show and it's not even being broadcasted to view.
Each year the stock show also has a bull futurity where only elite members that pay thousands to the group can view them up close. Others that can't afford the trip or the money to join this elite group have to watch them from far away. Members online didn't even receive a brochure showing the bulls, the genetics, or the owners. This was very disappointing as those of us in the cattle business would love to be involved with the current genetics in the nation today and what can make our genetics better through the bull futurity.
That's why it's crucial that we all advocate for agriculture in a way that can be broadcasted out. If television stations or radio stations won't use the opportunity to show the National Western Stock Show than we have to take the initiative to broadcast it ourselves so that hopefully someone can take the time to broadcast such an amazing event. If the PRCA rodeo in Las Vegas each year is broadcasted to the nation, then the nations best and most important stock show should be to. I want to see more agricultural events on television instead of watching reruns of sports. That's coming from a football fanatic! Agriculture is just as important if not more so than anything else and national events like the stock show need to be available to everyone. The internet can be very useful and is an added perk to those of us who can't make it to Denver; however, for many there are video streaming difficulties because of slow internet connections out in the middle of the country and poor quality streaming. If we could put agricultural events like the stock show on television than essentially we can bring the whole world to understand just how much we care about our animals and what we do to help create better genetics in the industry. The hard work and dedication that people put into the stock show could be recognized by the whole nation and groups like Peta can finally understand what dedicated animal lovers do for their animals and the industry.
Agriculture is more than a part of life. It's a passion; a lifestyle; a resilient community that is continuously working hard to feed you, me, and the world.