Hi, my name is Ilyssa and I think I'm really funny ("Hi, Ilyssa!"). Isn't the first step admitting you have a problem? Well, I'll admit it, I think I am really funny (feedback on these articles has been contributing to my ego). This article goes out to my fellow jokesters: 5 things you know to be true if you think you're really funny.
1. You laugh at your own jokes.
I think I laugh at 99% of the jokes I make, and if I don't laugh I probably am dying inside.
2. You stare and smile at your phone as you wait for someone to reply to the funny comment you just made.
I do this ALL the time. Truth is, I am currently giggling to myself while I write this article.
3. You're secretly jealous when one of your friends says something funny.
Because you can't believe someone else came up with the joke before you.
4. If someone doesn't laugh at your joke, you assume they don't have a sense of humor.
You also probably get slightly offended that they don't think you are funny.
5. You have at least one friend you always tell your jokes to because they laugh at everything you say.
Eden, if you are reading this, this one is for you. Thanks for always laughing at my jokes even when they aren't that funny.