Living in the bible belt, it's common to assume that most people are Christians. I've grown up with friends of every denomination of Christianity, but when people ask me if I believe in Jesus or if I attend church, I get dirty looks when I say no. I just want you to know, I'm agnostic and that's okay.
The great thing about America is that there is no established religion, and therefore we have the freedom to practice whichever religion we choose. I choose not to practice religion, and that's my right as an American citizen. I don't judge you for your religious beliefs and I do not appreciate your disapproval of my lack thereof.
I am agnostic. It means that I believe that there is no way of knowing if there is a god. It means I neither claim faith nor disbelief in a god. To put it plainly, I am unsure of whether there is an all-powerful being deciding the path my life is going to take at all times. I am unsure whether there is a deity that has already determined everything that will ever happen in my life. For me, it's hard to think about the fact that there may be a god that is in control of everything I am typing at this very second. I honestly cannot wrap my head around the idea of that. It would be amazing if there was a god, choosing for me to write this, but at the same time, I question if it's possible.
Being agnostic does not mean I bash people of other religions. In fact, I encourage freedom of religion. I have Muslim friends, Christian friends, Atheist friends, etc. I fully believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs about the world. Just because I don't believe in one particular god/set of gods doesn't mean that I don't support other peoples' beliefs. I wholeheartedly support anyone who believes in a deity that brings them comfort, love, and peace. If you choose to live by the rules set forth by your religion, I will cheer you on. If you have certain restrictions due to your beliefs, I will stand by your side and never disrespect them. I will never turn my back on someone in need because of their religious affiliation.
What I will not stand for is intolerance of other people's religious beliefs. I will not stand for you judging me and berating me because I don't know if I believe in a god or not. I will not stand for you trying to make me believe what you do; I am a human being and I will choose what I believe. No one will influence my decision. Please respect me and my choices. If one day I convert to Christianity, you can welcome me as your sister in Christ. If I convert to Buddhism, congratulate me. If I live out the rest of my life with no idea of what I believe, still support my decision.
I am agnostic and there is nothing wrong with that. I don't know what I believe and that's okay. That doesn't mean I'm a terrible person. I actually have a very strong moral compass that guides me. I am open-minded, caring, and supportive of every race/religion/sexual orientation. No, there is not a single set of beliefs that guides my decisions or life, but I do believe I have a good sense of right and wrong, good and evil. I will not allow anyone to bully me into believing in something that I do not agree with. I do not pray, but I do send positive thoughts and vibes to people. I may not believe in a deity but I do believe in the power of positive thinking.
So, to the people who hear the word "agnostic" and cringe, I leave a few final words. Just because I do not have a specific religious preference does not mean I am any lesser of a person than you. We can get along. We can survive this world, but I need your cooperation and acceptance. I want to spread love and hope and positivity as much as you do, but I need you to believe in me, despite my doubts. We have a long road ahead, but if you meet me in the middle with tolerance and respect, we can go a long way. There's nothing wrong with not being religious, just as there is nothing wrong with being religious.