'Twas the Night Before Finals | The Odyssey Online
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'Twas the Night Before Finals

A Reda** tribute to Clement Clarke Moore's "'Twas the Night Before Christmas"

'Twas the Night Before Finals
Michael Osborn

‘Twas the night before finals and all through the university,

Not a student was stirring, not even Miss Reveille.

Books were cracked open, study guides were strewn,

The Flag Room stood still without even a tune.

Quadbucks was filled, Evans Library too,

There had to be something to get us out of our gloom.

And I in my dorm room all tired and stressed,

Had just started studying for my chemistry test.

When outside my window appeared a white flake,

I blinked twice to make sure it wasn’t a mistake.

I ran out of my room with my rain boots and coat,

My roommate behind me. This wasn’t a joke.

When outside of Hobby Hall I looked up at the sky,

And saw zillions of glittering snowflakes float by.

But we noticed them melting and knew they wouldn’t stay,

So we went back inside for we had exams to slay.

Just ten minutes later friends were knocking on our door,

Yelling, “Y’all come outside! There are snowflakes galore!”

So back on with our coats and rain boots again,

Because snow like this doesn’t bless Texas often.

As the storm continued, the students were shocked,

And slowly, but surely outside dorm rooms they flocked.

To see the wonder of fluff all around,

And watch in awe as it stuck to the ground.

When outside of Hullaballoo arose such a clatter,

We ran over to the hall to see what was the matter.

When what to our wondering eyes should appear,

But a cadet Santa with nine Fish dressed as reindeer.

The flakes covered the beloved field of Kyle,

And Ol’ Sul Ross was another place it piled.

It covered the 12th Man Statue and drill field too,

And Academic Plaza was among the places it flew.

It came down in gusts, it came down in flurries,

It came down so fast it blew away all exam worries.

The students had snowball fights and Snow-Aggies were built,

Everyone praying the snow would not melt.

We walked in the wintery magic from Northside to the Quad

Looking around it seemed wonderfully odd.

To see our beloved campus covered in snow,

We wondered if this could be the magic of Jimbo.

As the snow continued, the maroon turned to white,

The sun went to sleep trusting us all to the moon’s light.

In this moment the cold gave us no care,

But finals were approaching and soon would be here.

All of the sudden I turned and was surprised that I found

A coat of brown and white fur scampering ‘round.

Prancing her paws and frolicking with glee

Who could it be, but Miss Reveille!

The snow carried on and was as quickly gone as it came

And the next morning we woke to find campus the same.

With the powdery frost melted in more places than not

We could only remember what joy the snow brought.

Finals were now here, as we focused back on GPAs

We were warmed by thought of our lovely snow day.

And looking back now, it still seems so grand,

The night before finals in our dear ol' Aggieland.

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