Wow. Just wow. I am amazed by the reception the Aggie Heart Ring has received thus far. I could not have hoped for better, even in my wildest dreams. Texas A&M has been incredibly welcoming and helpful. The Aggie Heart Ring would not be where it is today without Texas A&M. I have had timely replies and thorough assistance. I have been given contact after contact. I am astounded by the number of doors that I have had opened! One particular door was the honor of being interviewed by the College of Liberal Arts. The interviewer was genuine and kind. She was exactly the person that I needed to meet so that I could fully share the purpose and heart behind the Aggie Heart Ring. The College of Liberal Arts will hopefully publish the profile sometime after spring break, and the original Aggie Heart Ring article will hopefully be re-posted there as well. Goodness, gracious. I have such immense pride in my school! Is it possible to become even more of an Aggie? I hadn't thought so, until now.
A few days ago I was contacted by the Vice President of The Association of Former Students. She emailed me and asked if The Association could make Nicholas an Honorary Texas Aggie. She wanted to send him a certificate and some Aggie gear. Of course, I said, "YES!" I sent her Nicholas' size and our home address, but I also added in a special request, "He loves baseball caps." Well, guess what?
I know. Just look at that smile. Pure joy. Such pride. You cannot help but smile upon seeing his smile. He is positively beaming. I fully expect to go home over spring break and see that certificate framed and on his bedside table next to his goldfish, Dorothy. He keeps his most valuable keepsakes there. And this is humbling because I think I've only made it on the bedside table twice! Anyways, he'll probably never take that hat off either.
You can check out the video of his reaction here!
This act was incredibly considerate and entirely unexpected. I cannot thank the Vice President enough. I am looking forward to maybe meeting her someday soon. I would greatly appreciate the chance to thank her in person and hopefully work with her to make the Aggie Heart Ring a reality for Nicholas and many other Aggies-At-Heart. She certainly has a heart of Aggie gold to do something so wonderful.
I am simply overwhelmed by the opportunities one article has afforded our cause. The ability to work for this and to meet many amazing Aggies has been life altering. I do not say that lightly. It truly has been transformative. More likely than not, I would never have met the people that I know now. I would not have heard Alyssa's story let alone met her sweet sister, Alexis. I would not have been able to set up an interview with an admirable Aggie momma next week. (Get excited! Another Aggie-At-Heart profile is coming your way.) I would never have met student senator Caroline Turpen. My goodness, she is one of the most selfless serving students that I have had the privilege of meeting here at Texas A&M. Caroline is tirelessly working to make the dream of many Aggies-At-Heart come true. And I am awed by her Aggie Spirit. What a blessing she is! She drafted a bill for the Aggie Heart Ring, which was introduced by both of us on March 8th. The bill was well received. It is currently in committee and will be debated on March 22nd. Fingers crossed!
This journey has been a whirlwind. But it is not over yet. There is still much to be done. However, I would be amiss not to thank you. You are the reader, the sharer, and the invaluable helper. Thank you for your support; it means more than you know. And last but most certainly the greatest, I have to thank my Lord and Savior. "Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert" (New King James Version, Isaiah 43:19). He is making a way, and we plan to follow it to the end. Thanks and gig 'em.