The other day, I watched a video on Facebook of people putting down lava stickers on the road where others walked or biked. It showed footage of guys in large white ‘protective’ suits stopping pedestrians and warning them of the “lava” on the ground. Everyone went along with it, and you could see how their faces lit up like they were a kid again.
It reminded me of being a child, and how I’d climb on any and every piece of furniture to keep me off of the ground away from “hot lava.” (It also made me super jealous of the fact that these existnowand not then.) It feels like this was only yesterday. It makes me think that I had so much of an imagination back then, and I didn’t even have to try. It’s amazing how much vision everyone starts out with, but then it somehow gets lost along the way to adulthood.
I felt a huge wave of relief after watching this, because it showed me that I’m not the only person who misses this kind of stuff. I’m not the only one who wants their inner child to come out every once in a while. It makes me realize that we take life too seriously sometimes. Although it’s important to stay on top of our responsibilities, we tend to forget that we are a compilation of all of our ages, not just our current one.
Children are our reminders of what we once were. Why do you think we have them in the first place? They keep us on our toes. They nonstop ask questions about why things are. They take notice of the things that we’ve conditioned ourselves to take for granted. They love unconditionally. They trust their true inner gravitational instincts. They are so in touch with themselves because they’re not expected to be constantly living in their futures. Yet.
Ask yourself this: Would your 10-year-old self be proud of whom you’ve become? We mustn’t forget the people that we were that helped us get to who we are. We were once those little kids that lived off of nothing but magic and make believe. We shouldn’t be so quick to shut that part of our lives out. It’s what brings the creativity out in us, and the sincere truth about who we really aspire to be. We should always keep our childhood wonder in tact, so let’s start by keeping an eye out for hot lava.
Watch the "The Floor is Lava" video here!