Although I may not look that old, I still do not look old enoughto be a college student. I don't blame my appearance, but the individuals in society. We in society have some kind of psychological chart of how people should look at a certain age, but our appearance should not reflect our biological age at all. Why does appearance matter? It shouldn't. Here are some common issues of looking younger than a college student!
1. When they ask you for an ID (can't pull off the face)
2. When they ask if you moved up a grade and that's why you're in college so early. Uh no!
3. Getting rejected by a girl/guy because they think you're younger than you look
4. It's your birthday, people ask how old you are now, and you get that shocked look of disbelief when you tell them you are above age 16
5. When people say you look "cute" when you get mad... but you get even more pissed at them
6. Trying to make yourself look older with makeup and failing completely
7. When your family still treats you like a child, even though you're 18 or older
8. When they say you should take it as a compliment, but you'd rather not
9. When you're with your friends at a party and people ask them why they brought a kid with them
10. When a high school comes to visit or tour your college and they mistake you as one of theirs
At the end of the day, it shouldn't matter that you don't look the age you are. Dress, act, and think however you want! Just ignore the public perception and keep going with your life. People who look older then their age also go through problems themselves, but that shouldn't stop them from doing their own thing. Every look has its own frustrations!