Modern feminism is not even feminism; it's misandry. If you are unfamiliar with misandry, it is the hatred of men. As a female, I am nothing short of embarrassed of what feminism has become. Unfortunately, I feel that it will get worse before it gets better, especially with Hillary Clinton currently in the forefront of this movement. The liberal ideas that created modern feminism give us conservative women, who do support female equality, no choice but to disagree, which is another issue in itself. I am all for what feminism once stood for, but I am completely against what it has become. For the sake of calling it what it is, I will be using misandry to refer to modern feminism throughout the rest of this piece.
The "issues" that misandrists are concerned about should not even be considered issues. For starters, if you are so concerned about who is going to pay for your birth control and your abortions, pay for it yourself. Better yet, save a precious life and don't have an abortion. These women go on and on about it being "their body" and "their choice," so why can't they use their money? It is time to take responsibility for your own actions. Newsflash, abortion is not healthcare, because healthcare does not kill people. Instead of fighting for free birth control and abortions, how about you fight for eliminating co-pays on life saving medicine.
Now this may be quite shocking to misandrists, but men can be and are victims to violence. Women can and do commit violence against men. When was the last time you heard anything about a male rape victim? Stop demonizing men. Women are just as capable of committing horrible crimes. Male rape victims deserve the same amount of attention as female rape victims. Women who commit assault or any crime for that matter should be given the same sentence as a man who committed the same crime. Equality means all things are equal, even when it comes to punishment.
If a man opens the door for you, it is because he is a gentleman. He is not opening the door for you because he thinks you are helpless. If my boyfriend asked me to make him a sandwich, I would do so without question. No, I am not conforming to gender roles, I am being a caring person. Stop turning every little thing into a gender issue.
In no way am I saying that we do not need feminism, because we do. However, we need it for entirely different reasons. We need feminism for the women in Eastern societies who are still being forced into marriages and who do not have the chance at an education like we do. Feminism is not and never should be about free birth control. You can be a feminist without being "anti-man." I do not hate feminism. I hate what feminism has become, and I hate misandry. There is a huge difference between the two, and it needs to be known.
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It