Spring break has come to an end. It's back to reality, schoolwork and the existence of many other responsibilities. Even checking your email makes you want to cringe and that "to do list" that was a foot long before break now seems like a novel. Following is a list of what you might be feeling or thinking as you come back to reality and deal with the aftermath of spring break.
1. It was way too short. Are you sure that was a whole week? it sure doesn't feel like it.
2. Did I have any homework? What's due tomorrow?
3. At least my Instagram will be one fire this week from all the awesome spring break pictures I get to post.
4. There are so many people I have to catch up with this week.
5. Is it unacceptable to continue listening to my spring break playlist ... on repeat?
6. Maybe I should get a study group together, I barely remember learning any of this stuff before break.
7. It's time to get back to that routine better break about the syllabus again to make sure I have everything in my planner.
8. Just think the next time I have a break from school it'll be months off not just a week!
9. How many meetings do I have this week? Really.
10. What happened to all my money? Oh yeah, spring break.
11. I already can't wait for next year's spring break. I'll have to plan something really awesome.
Whether you stayed home, worked or went on vacation, spring break will be sorely missed as you jump back into your typical school routine.