Attention upcoming college graduates! Are you about to graduate from college and still feel like a kid? Do you wear a business suit to job interviews, but pajamas to the grocery store . . . Do you have your own apartment but no idea how to cook or clean . . . it's okay.
Just because you don't feel like an adult doesn't mean you can't act like one. #ADULTING is going around but what does that even mean? I think it is our way to soften reality and all the responsibility that comes with growing up and leaving childhood behind. I think this term going around helps all of us on the verge of adulthood make the scary, confusing "real world" approachable, manageable and even conquerable. It’s one of the oldest stories in the world. One day you are ten years old planning for someday and thinking of high school, college and beyond. Then quietly, before you even realize it "someday" has arrived. And that someday is the scariest thing you could image because it comes with all these choices and decisions. What internship to take? What senior class is going be the least stressful? How will you ever pay off that school loan? Apartment? Bills? If you are anything like me your head is spinning right now!
I am not a kid anymore…I am an ADULT. These decisions mean something now and if I don’t do it right the world is going to end. Least this is how I feel. Until someone shakes me and tells me to relax. Yes, growing up is hard and scary, but there is a reason childhood last as long as it does. That time is for making wrong choices and growing into the person that will hopefully make less one day. So yes! Keep trying to #adult guys, because it can only get easier…one can hope!
So it is okay if you have the suit on Monday through Friday and let that Sunday food trip to the grocery store end up in sweatpants.