That time of year that every college kid hates because it means you're pulling all-nighters to get your last assignments finished and studying for days on end. Coffee becomes a lifeline for some people. It sucks.
Luckily finals only last for a week and you're done until next semester. You get that break that you need, deserve, and you finally get to sleep.
If you're anything like me, when the semester is over you have no clue what to do with yourself because you have all this time. So here's a list of things to do with all the free time you have now.
This is the most important thing. Personally, I know when I get done with finals I immediately go home and nap. Sleep is the first thing to get pushed to the side during finals and coffee becomes a best friend instead so finally being able to sleep in and not feel guilty about it is a great feeling.
2. Catch up on your favorite TV shows.
Not everyone watches TV, but for me, I have a few shows that I watch and I lose track of them because I get so busy during the semester. Once finals are over, I FINALLY have enough time to catch up and its a blessing.
3. Make playlists.
4. Hang out with your friends
Granted you do make time for your friends during the semester but now you have more time to hang out with all your favorite people. From going on adventures with them to just grabbing food. Spend as much time as you can with them.
5. Work
I know Iknow this sounds just as terrible as classes are but you know you gotta make money at some point. Breaks are the best time to do that because you can work all the hours and make enough money to be able to live (or at least try to) before next semester.
6. Go see a movie
It's really hard to go see movies during the semester let alone during finals. Now that the semester is over there's a lot more time to do all the fun things, like see a movie. Grab a group of friends and go see a movie. If you don't want to see any of the movies in theaters then grab a few friends and have a movie night.
7. Start a new show on Netflix
Everyone has a list of shows they've been meaning to watch. Now's your time. Watch as many of them as you can.
8. Travel
My favorite one on this list. I love traveling and the best part about doing it over break is that you don't have the all the work to come back too. Go explore a new city or even explore more of a city that you've been too.
9. Go to a concert or festival
So I am a big concertaholic but there are so many concerts and festivals especially in the summer. 10/10 would recommend going to a concert or a festival. There's just something about the atmosphere, I can't get enough of it.