It is a tough question to face, the question that you're asked at any family event, the question that your parents harass you with when they get the chance, it's the question that may even stick in your head and drive you nuts constantly. "What are you going to do after college?" Well, there are endless things I could do. I could jump right into finding a career and save up my money so I can move out, or I can work somewhere local and save my money to travel, or I could just simply not know what to do. It is a terrifying question and although many people ask it maybe just out of curiosity or to start a conversation, it is a question that comes with a lot of pressure and even some discomfort.
But, that is not the point of me writing this. Although most of the pressure that you may put on yourself when this question comes along is from other people asking you, but what about when you ask yourself? Do you ever sit and ponder, think about your future and what it has in store for you? Of course - because everyone does. The future is terrifying and coming out of school with the idea in your head that it is now time to start getting your life and career together can cause you to go into panic mode. It absolutely does not need to be like that. I mean, I for one have one year left of college and of course the thought of graduating and no longer being in school is terrifying, but why does it have to be? Who needs a plan at all times? No one ever truly knows what they want to do.
It is fine to not have a plan, it's fine to feel lost or confused about your future. Not even just your future career, maybe your future with your significant other, maybe a future house or apartment. Basically anything, it may be easier said than done, but don't worry. Life works in mysterious ways, it takes its own course and it will throw things in your way that you may not be able to control or enjoy, but that is the beauty of it. You never know what you are or are not going to get, so don't stressed and don't worry too much. You will figure it out, just stay motivated and excited for life. That is the best you can do!