Dear the person who is too afraid to come out,
I know this is going to be hard for you. This is something that has been weighing on you for a long time. You fear the idea of being rejected. Losing family and losing friends. You know who you are, but you are too afraid to say it. You feel like you cannot actually be yourself because you cannot be the person you know you were born to be. I want you to know that though this task may be hard, it will be so very worth it in the end. You deserve to be happy just like everyone else in this world. You may lose some on the way, but with those losses, there are so many gained. Those who truly love you will stay no matter their opinions, and those casting their negativity on to you are unneeded anyway. You were born to be this person. No one would wake up and choose to be a part of a minority and fear the possibility of social rejection and discrimination. I do not understand your circumstance, but instead, I come from a place of empathy. I want you to be who you are in front of everyone. I want you to be able to love who you want to love without a second thought. I want your family to accept you. I want trouble to neglect you. But most of all, I want you to be happy. I apologize that we live in a society that only accepts you when you are the funny character played in a TV show. I apologize that there are laws passed to limit your fundamental rights as a human being. I apologize on behalf of America for limiting you on your pursuit of happiness. Though you will face trials, I want you to be able to stand up in front of everyone and scream it from the rooftops that you love who you love, and that will never change. I want you to be able to face the fear of rejection in the face and make it your bitch. I want you to know when the rejection and ridicule come, you will not have to face it alone. I and others like me will stand with you so you do not have to stand by yourself. Others like you will welcome you with open arms and open hearts. I promise that this can be hard, but it can also be so worth it. You deserve happiness just as much as the person next to you. Do not let fear keep you from achieving that. It may seem overwhelming, but soon enough it will just be the norm for you and those around you. Without love, what is the point of living anyway? I do not want this to pressure you into making any snap decision, but instead for you to know that when you are ready we will be here waiting for you. Waiting with nothing but love to give to you. Whenever you’re ready, we’re ready.
With all the love in the world,
The one who waits