6 Skincare Products Under $15 For Flawless Skin | The Odyssey Online
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6 Skincare Products Under $15 Everyone In The Pursuit Of Flawless Skin HAS To Check Out

Perfect for if you are looking to have flawless skin without spending thousands of dollars.

6 Skincare Products Under $15 Everyone In The Pursuit Of Flawless Skin HAS To Check Out

With the huge amount of options in the skincare department ranging from high-end brands such as Dior and Chanel to drugstore brands like Neutrogena, it has become harder to find the perfect products that fit your own skin.

The truth is most of us struggle to find products that 1) are effective and 2) do not cost around a hundred dollars. If you are one of those people, then this guide of affordable skincare products was made just for you!

Valjean Labs

Average Price: $15

About a year ago, I found this brand while shopping. I decided to try it out because they had a huge variety of serums with different purposes and an amazing gel moisturizer.

Personally, I like light-weight moisturizers (especially during summer) so my pores won't get clogged.

Most of these products can be found at Marshall's, Urban Outfitters, or on Amazon.

Here are some of the products that I absolutely recommend:

1. Valjean Labs Soothing Facial Toner

This toner is made from rose petal and glycolic acid. As someone who has very sensitive skin, I can assure you that it is very gentle on the face. It is amazing to not only tone your skin, but remove the excess oil and leaving you feeling fresh.

2. Valjean Labs Face Mist: Hydrate

This brand has several face mists to serve different purposes such as "hydrate," "glow," and "smooth." My favorite one is the hydrate one which contains Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin B.

It is very light and you can feel your skin feeling hydrate and smoother as soon as you apply it.

Another interesting aspect is that it can be applied during your night or day routine.

3. Valjean Labs Replenish Hydration Gel

This is the gel moisturizer that I mentioned before! It's really hard for me to find a moisturizer that feels good on my skin, and this one was my absolute favorite.

Since I first found it over a year ago, I haven't tried any others.

This one contains hyaluronic acid and marine extracts which help not only hydrate but also smooth out your skin and give it a natural glow. Unlike other gel products, this one is not sticky at all.

4. Valjean Labs Overnight Repair Facial Oil

I have always been skeptical about overnight oils because I was felt like my skin needed to breathe. However, this facial oil is not super thick, but rather the perfect texture to wake up with a glowy, smooth skin without making you feel oily.

These are just some of my favorite products from Valjean Labs, but there are plenty of other options!


Average Price: $12

You have probably heard about the famous Cetaphil moisturizer! Most of Cetaphil products can be found at your local stores such as Walmart, or online on Amazon.

5. Cetaphil Pro Dermacontrol Purifying Clay Mask

This face mask is perfect for oily, sensitive skin. It truly does leave your skin feeling clean and refreshed. I normally apply it once a week right before applying my nighttime skincare products.

6. Cetaphil Hydrating Eye Gel Cream

I know, I know, EYE CREAMS! It's so hard to find an eye cream that actually works, and we need to realize that no eye cream will make our dark circles magically disappear.

I believe they can improve our under-eyes and overtime they can get better– but not eye cream is magic.

Cetaphil's Hydrating Eye Gel Cream contains hyaluronic acid and it definitely hydrates my skin and gives my under-eye a brighter look. My favorite thing about it is that it is not thick at all! It is the perfect mixture between a gel and a cream.

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