What are affordable luxury handbag brands
If you want to treat yourself to a luxury designer handbag that will last forever, here are some brands to consider. These luxury brands are enough to open your eyes without costing you thousands of dollars.
1) Chanel
Chanel is one of the top three luxury handbag brands, and this brand is definitely not ordinary. Their pieces sometimes sell out in the luxury market within minutes. This is also one of the recognized luxury brands that can preserve value. However, owning a Chanel bag is not impossible, especially for those who are about to get their first luxury bag. Chanel is known for its leather bags, but starting with the Chanel Hybrid bag might satisfy your luxury dreams. Mixed-fiber Chanel bags sometimes cost as little as $2,500.
2) Louis Vuitton
Another well-known French luxury goods company from the Big Three offers consumers an affordable handbag that won't cost you hundreds of dollars. Louis Vuitton is known for its signature monograms and Neverfull bags. Louis Vuitton sells its Pochette bag and Damier Papillon Pochette for under $600.
3) Yves Saint Laurent
Known for its 3-letter logo, Yves Saint Laurent still offers affordable luxury bags that still stand out. The French boutique's Saint Laurent Lou baby quilted textured-leather shoulder bag will satisfy luxury shoppers for just $895. If they want a bigger wallet, they can also check out the $1,190 Saint Laurent Uptown Textured-Leather Shoulder Bag.
4) Gucci
Most cosmopolitan women dream of owning a Gucci bag one day. This is because their bags have a classic style. Like the pieces we mentioned before, owning a Gucci bag is no longer impossible. Some trusted online luxury shopping sites sell the Gucci Dionysus GG Supreme Super Mini Bag for $780.
What is Affordable Designer Brands
If you're looking for more affordable luxury handbags, there are other designer brands that offer quality bags. Celebrities and other celebrities can still be seen wearing these brands. Here are some of them:
1) Coach
Coach bags are some of the respected luxury bags at just average prices. It's also a popular brand known for making logos in neutral colors and repeating prints. A Coach bag typically costs hundreds of dollars, depending on the model. They are also readily available as you may find a Coach outlet near you or visit their website. You can also buy Coach bags from department stores such as Nordstrom or Macy's. If you like the crossbody style, you might want to check out the Coach Willow Bucket Bag for $295.
2) Kate Spade
Known for their colorful and flamboyant designs, Kate Spade bags are also priced similarly to Coach bags. You may find them in more department stores. If you want better prices, keep an eye out for Kate Spade Outlets, where you can buy designer handbags at retail prices—you might even have change for a wallet. The Kate Spade Margaux bag is one of their well-known bags and can be found for less than $500.
3) MARC by Marc Jacobs
MARC by Marc Jacobs offers designer bags at cheaper prices than top luxury fashion houses. The brand might sound familiar, but it's not the same as the more expensive Marc Jacobs collection. You can buy MARC by Marc Jacobs bags from department stores like Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf Goodman, and Macy's. Designer leather tote bags for less than $500.
Luxury designer handbags can be expensive, but they have affordable options for different groups of people. You can also check out retail stores or trusted secondary markets, which may offer quality bags at cheaper prices. Just make sure the bags they offer are genuine and not counterfeit.
Here at the AULOVELY handbag online store, we make your dream of owning a luxury bag a reality with bags under $100. We are an online luxury shopping store that has been in the industry for 3 years, making sure to provide you with great customer service and 100% authentic luxury bags that some people can only dream of. Get the bag of your dreams at AULOVELY today.