1. Kitsch | The Odyssey Online
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These 5 Affordable Face Masks Will TOTALLY Up Your Fashion, And Health, Game This Season

Find an affordable face mask to match your unique sense of style.

These 5 Affordable Face Masks Will TOTALLY Up Your Fashion, And Health, Game This Season

Wearing a mask when in a public setting is vital for not only your health but for those around you. Having to shield your face doesn't have to detract from what you are wearing but rather add to your outfit as a whole.

It is important to wear a mask whenever you are in public settings, regardless of any circumstances, so consider these retailers if you are looking to find your go-to face covering.

Wearing a mask for public safety wherever you go is very important during this time.

If you have been swayed in some way from wearing a mask because of its appearance, please consider purchasing a mask that you won't want to ever take off in public in order to keep your community free from greater risk.

1. Kitsch


If you enjoy fun patterns with neutral colors, Kitsch offers four mask sets that come with three different masks for $12. The masks range from tie-dye, leopard prints, and neutral colors like army green, black, and blush. The Kitsch masks are 100% cotton and can be washed for reuse.

Buying one Kitsch mask set for $12 will provide you with three different patterns that you can alternate according to your outfits. You can find Kitsch masks on their online website here.

2. Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters

If you are looking for fun printed, patterned or quoted masks, Urban Outfitters offers a variety of single masks as well as sets ranging from $8 to $39.

You can find a cat tongue mask for as low as $8, a floral patterned mask for $12, a "smile" text mask on sale for $14 and many more.

All of the masks on Urban Outfitters are reusable, have different features, and are made of differing materials, so if you are sensitive to certain products, you can pick and choose the perfect mask for you.

3. Target


If you aren't looking to spend much money on a reusable mask, Target offers a variety of sizes and colors for as low as $4. A two-pack fabric face mask at Target retails for $4, coming in navy, black, pink, green, and other subtle patterns.

This face mask set is made of 100 percent cotton, contains two layers, and is machine washable. If you prefer specific mask sizing for your face, they offer both a small/medium mask set and a large/extra large set. You can browse Target's masks on their online platform or go to your nearest local store.

4. Redbubble


If you like graphic designs or have a specific artistic pattern you are looking for, Redbubble is the place to look. Redbubble is a site where artists can get their works printed on a variety of products, including masks.

Redbubble offers 32,627 masks that retail for around $9.99. You can find any design, style image, or pattern by searching for it on Redbubble.com and could even find other matching accessories like a phone case or shirt to match your new mask.



If you are looking for a mask accessory set that will match your mask with another product, you can find many on ASOS. ASOS offers scrunchie, pouch and mask sets in differing patterns for $19 and masks with matching bandanas for $19 as well.

If you want to make an outfit out of your mask, you can browse through their collection of masks and sets that feature fun and colorful patterns and prints.

Odyssey may earn a portion of purchases made via links on this page.

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