Affordable Dates For The BYU-I Student
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Affordable Dates For The BYU-I Student

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Affordable Dates For The BYU-I Student
Ask April

It’s no secret that students at BYU-Idaho are obsessed with dating. Or just Mormon kids in general. However, going on lots of dates can get expensive, and college students aren’t exactly rolling in money. Actually, we’re all pretty much broke. But here’s the thing, dates don’t have to be expensive or elaborate. It’s just an opportunity to get to know another person, right?

1. Dance nights

There are dances on campus multiple times a week. It’s only $2 to get in with your student ID. They offer Swing, Country, Latin, and Ballroom. There’s literally something for everyone, even if you’ve never danced before. They begin with an hour of instruction and there are different levels within that, so that the beginners can learn the basics and the pros can polish their fancy moves.

2. Play games in the MC

Ever noticed that there are tons of games on the ground floor of the Manwaring Center? There you’ll find air hockey, pool, foosball, ping pong, and a TON of board games. And guess what? It’s free to play them. It’s the perfect way to find out if your date is an evil mastermind when it comes to board games.

3. Outdoor Activities trips

Not many people know about this, but there are tons of cool trips that go out every week including kayaking, hiking, riverboarding, stand-up paddle boarding, rock climbing, white water rafting, opal mining, caving, paintballing, dog sledding, and so much more. The ticket you buy includes all the gear necessary for the activity, as well as transportation to and from the activity. All you have to do is show up!

4.D.I. Date

Deseret Industries is a super fun thrift shop to visit. How fun would it be to go play dress up or to go on a scavenger hunt in a giant thrift store? There is no end to the weird, interesting, or cool things that you can find in that place. Seriously.

5. Great Scott’s

This is a great place to get cool sodas. They take sodas and mix them with different flavored syrups, my favorite combination is called the Gatorbite. An awesome date would be to get Great Scott’s and then watch a sunset or go for a walk.

6. Make a snow man

It may seem cliché, but in the winter months, there really is not a whole lot to do. So get a bunch of friends and their dates together and make snow sculptures. You could even turn it into a contest—most creative sculpture wins. However, if you have a particularly flirtatious date, you might end up having a snowball fight instead.

7. Pizza

Everyone loves pizza, right? Have a pizza making party. Invite lots of friends and assign them all pizza ingredients to bring. Once everyone is there you can make it extreme pizza making. You could blindfold some team members and have their date instruct them on how to make a pizza blindfolded.

8. Spori Art Gallery

In the Spori building on campus, there is a free art gallery. It's a fun and creative way to get to know your date without the pressure of an expensive sit down dinner.

9. Observatory

There is an observatory on campus that would be perfect for a date night. It is open to the public and the best part is that it's free. There are operators on site prepared to answer your questions and point out constellations.

10. Porter Park

This park is close to campus and great for all your recreational needs. Here, you can bring a group of friends to play capture the flag, soccer, ultimate frisbee, or whatever other game you can dream up. There are even tennis courts and basketball courts on site. And if sports isn't your thing, there are pavilions and barbecues available for use.

11. Roller Skating

On Monday and Saturday nights, there is roller skating in the MC Grand Ballroom. Admission is only 2$ with student ID and that covers the cost of skates, as well. It's a wonderful excuse to try hold your date's hand while skating...if you're into that.

When you get creative, the possibilities are endless. And don’t forget that dating is supposed to be fun!

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