10. Profusion Eye Shadow Palette | The Odyssey Online
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36 Affordable Products Your Glam Girl Will Love

Wanting to buy something for the aspiring beauty guru in your life? But don't want to break the bank getting the perfect gift? Check out this list of affordable items your glam girl will love. Everything listed is below $40!!

36 Affordable Products Your Glam Girl Will Love

Buying beauty gifts doesn't have to be expensive! Although there are some brands and products that can get into double and triple digit prices, you don't have to splurge on the big names to create a great gift. Here is a list of great and affordable beauty products to get your glam girl this holiday season. Hi Mom, hope you're reading this.... :)

1. Facial RollerĀ 

Listed on Amazon for $10.99, this is the perfect small gift for anyone who loves indulging in skin care! Used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, rolling this jade stone over your face leaves you feeling refreshed.

2. Facial Cleansing BrushĀ 

If your glam girl loves doing their makeup all the time, then for $18.99 they definitely need to have this brush in their routine! This brush gets that deep down dirt and oil better than our hands can when we wash our face.

3. Acrylic Makeup OrganizerĀ 

Listed at $20.99, These clear makeup organizers are what every makeup lover whats to have their makeup put away but on display.If your glam lover has a lot more makeup, larger sizes are available but the price usually goes up with size.

4. Marble Brush SetĀ 

These super cute brushes will make any makeup lover obsessed with the marble print bag and brush handles. And they're only $15.99!

5. Cosmetic Lighting MirrorĀ 

For $33.91, you can get your glam girl the perfect mirror for doing their beauty routines, and it's also great for selfies.

6. e.l.f. Jet Set Hydration KitĀ 

This amazing gift set is only $15!! Elf Cosmetics has really been stepping up their skin care game lately and this is the perfect set to get your makeup user!

7. Maybelline Super Stay Liquid Lipstick

These bad boys run about $8 each and they are so gorgeous! Can't pick one shade for your glam girl? Buy two for just $16! Trust me, you'll hear no complaints.

8. Physician's Formula Rose Serum

This stuff is seriously magic in a bottle. It smells so amazing and works wonders on your skin! Plus, it's only $7.29.

9. Burt's Bees Lip ScrubĀ 

Help give your beauty guru lipstick ready lips! This scrub helps rub away dead skin and leave the lips nourished and moisturized.

10. Profusion Eye Shadow PaletteĀ 

"Wanderlust" Palette

These palettes come in a variety of themed sets with 21 beautiful, pigmented shades and they're only $9.99 at Target. Seriously. These shadows are gorgeous, you usually don't get great quality with cheap prices but Profusion is truly amazing!!

11. 8-Piece Makeup Brush Set

Who wouldn't love this gorgeous blue brush set? Grab one for your makeup lover for only $14.88!

12. Bath Bombs

What's better than one bath bomb? A whole bag of bath bombs. These can make the perfect addition to a "spa day" gift package for only $9.99

13. Nourishing Hair Mask

If your glam girl is always using heat on her hair, color changes a lot, or maybe is just dreaming for longer hair, this mask can be a the perfect gift for her!

14. Makeup Travel Bag

This super cute makeup bag is only $30 at Ulta and is great for packing up your glam for a weekend away!

15. Chocolate Eye Shadow PaletteĀ 

These $9.96 shadows actually smell like chocolate. I repeat, THEY SMELL LIKE CHOCOLATE! So delicious and so pretty.

16. Clay Face Mask

This particular mask is only $8.67 and is great for getting out the deep dirt and impurities and makes your face feel fresh and renewed!

17. Holiday Lip Set

There is no such thing as having to many lipsticks. This $14.88 set from Physicians Formula is sure to be a hit and is good for lip care too!

18. Aroma-Therapy Shower MeltsĀ 

Maybe your glam girl doesn't have a bathtub, so give her a gift she can still use for a personal spa day! These shower melts are sure to leave her feeling relaxed. And their only $4.87...

19. Essence MistĀ 

This $20 product is the perfect price for giving a gift from one of the more elite beauty brands! Never mind it's an amazing skin care product.

20. Makeup RemoverĀ 

This brand is all about cleaner, safer products so you know their $25 eye makeup remover will be a great addition to your beauty lover's skin care regime!

21. Mario Badescu Mist Set

Number 21 on the list and only $21! This skin care set has three different facial mists that are perfect for makeup-abused skin.

22. Sugar Bear Hair VitaminsĀ 

Your beauty lover is sure to know about the Kardashian's always promoting these vitamins, surprise them this holiday season with a bottle of the yummy gummies for only $30!

23. Exfoliating Skin PrimerĀ 

Find this gem at Walgreens for only $12.99 and your glam girl is sure to be grateful for this amazing facial scrub!

24. Milani Powder BlushĀ 

One of the great drugstore beauty brands,impress your beauty lover and pick up a few blush shades for $8.29

25. L.A. Colors G.N.O. Gift Set

For $10, kill a couple birds with one stone! This "girls night out" set includes a cute little makeup bag, eye shadows and liner, mascara, blush, and lipstick!

26. Morphe Eye Shadow Palette

Morphe is definitely a big name brand that lot of influencers use and collaborate with. For $24 you can get your makeup lover a palette they'll be absolutely obsessed with!

27. Coconut Body Care Set

Help your glam girl fight off dry skin with this gift set for only $20!

28. Jelly HighlighterĀ 

Light up your glam girls holiday season with one of these $9 highlights!

29. Bare Minerals Lash & Lip Duo

Your makeup lover is sure to be thrilled with a $12 gift from brand like bare minerals. Their brand always has great quality products.

30. Sephora Face Mask Set

Get your glam girl a little bit of everything with this $22 facial mask combo set!

31. Tarte Mermaid Eyeshadow Set


High shine is big right now in the makeup world, arm your glam girl with just what she needs for $28 to be in with the latest trends.

32. GLAMGLOW Bubble Sheet Mask

These bubble sheet masks are a dream for makeup users! Pick up one or two for your beauty guru for only $9 each!

33. Jaclyn Hill Vault PaletteĀ 

Each of these gorgeous palettes are only $15 and sure to be a hit for your glam girl!

34. Magnetic Eye Lashes

Give your glam girl a break on lash glue by getting these reusable, magnetic lashes for $14!

35. Soap & Glory Mask Set

Give your beauty guru a variety of masks this season with this $16 set!

36. Scalp Calming Treatment

Help your beauty lover fight off dry skin and frizy hair with this $20 treatment

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