"You did well — even when you think it is not enough. Even when others think it's not enough. You tried, and that should count for something. Do not belittle yourself." | The Odyssey Online
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15 Affirmations To Remember During Mental Health Awareness Month

Let's lift each other up, because we are not our thoughts.

15 Affirmations To Remember During Mental Health Awareness Month

Odyssey recognizes that mental well-being is a huge component of physical wellness. Our mission this month is to bring about awareness & normality to conversations around mental health from our community. Let's recognize the common symptoms and encourage the help needed without judgement or prejudice. Life's a tough journey, we are here for you and want to hear from you.

It's a topic that needs to be talked about way more than it should, especially in today's world: mental health. Whether it be anxiety, depression or O.C.D. (or anything, really), we have come to learn as a society that it's okay- and even more beneficial than you think- to openly talk about experiencing what almost everyone does inside the complex mind.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month (and also the end of finals season for college students), so what better time to list some positive affirmations to ease the mind this time of year? Just take a deep breath and read on to realize that you are enough, it will be okay and you are not your thoughts; not by a long shot.

"Feel what you need to feel and then let it go. Do not let it consume you." - Dhiman

"You did well — even when you think it is not enough. Even when others think it's not enough. You tried, and that should count for something. Do not belittle yourself." 

"From a year ago today, you have come a long way. Every step you have taken matters more than you know." - Morgan Harper Nichols

"I hope you know it's okay if your strength looks a little different in this season." - MHN

"You have survived this before and you can therefore do it again. And with each time you do you become stronger. Believe in that."

"You are only human and humans are not perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, and it is only how you react to it that defines who you are."

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay then it's not the end."

"You are safe and loved very much. You are more worthy of those two things than you even know."

"You are capable of doing anything, and you are becoming a better version of yourself the more you try."

"You are in control of your own actions and destiny."

"Take things one step at a time, day by day." 

"You're a fighter. Look at everything you've overcome. Don't give up now." - Olivia Benson

"This is the root of Self. You are not your thoughts; you are aware of your thoughts. You are not your emotions; you feel your emotions…. You are the conscious being who is aware that you are aware of all these inner and outer things." - Michael Singer

"You are allowed to be happy and deserve all of the good your mind can imagine."

"You are enough. You are significant. Remember this always."

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