It is good to take time from your electronics and simply look around you to indulge your senses with reality. There is more to life than just a screen; look out beyond the box in your hand and see the life evolving around you. The things you love may disappear, but they will remain with you in some form or another. Change does not happen just to the things outside of us, it can happen to us as well. Life is too short to spend our time staring at a box. We are subjected to change to experience the bounty of life. It is also important for to reach out to each other and encourage to one another to change.
This week form my porch, the morning mist covered the ground in a light sheet connecting to the gray sky. Leaves falling like colored snowflakes laying the ground in patchwork. The distill air is filled with trickery and delights and October frights as this autumn morn start at first light. Sprits stirs the leaves of change, seasons encouraging them to seek their new adventures elsewhere. They whisper in a song meek and mild to the leaves of change to find new ground far from home. There is no bittersweet sound, as change is a supernatural thing. Sometimes it's slow and sometimes it's as fast as clockwork. Subtle and swift spirts twirl around as each passing seasons of each year bringing change. The days are fleeting, making way for a night filled with frights.Golden fields lay far away seeking for harvest and rest. Farmers work and toil all through spring and summer for this very season's bounty. Eerie tales of the unknown shaking the listener's soul. Ones of monsters or untold entities creating terror in dreams of many. Yet, I watch the mist touch the sky and the ground in a shade of gray. A sense of serenity and solace and the whispers of change remain.