Why do I have to apologize for not liking children?
The troll under the bridge
The witch in the house made of cookies
The evil stepmother
Can't I wear a pantsuit and Jimmy Choo's
Have manicured fingernails
And relax on an island in the Bahamas
Without feeling guilty for it?
Why do I have to apologize for maybe not
Expanding the bloodline of my already
Fucked up filial history?
Can't I get a feminist tattoo above my vagina
And still have a series of male lovers?
That love me for my body and not my mind
Or maybe just my mind and not my body
Science is here for me if a fallopian tube
Accidentally gets clogged
No, it's not God's grace entering my womb
It's a sign from a recovering alcoholic
Welcoming me to "The Killing Society"
Outside of a weathered old building
Couldn't the government
Afford to put me up in the Biltmore?
Isn't my uterus lining welcome
On their Egyptian cotton duvets
Among the ejaculation that cost
Some gentleman in khaki pants
Ironed by his wife
Two grand?
Why do I have to apologize?
Isn't this the free market?
Why can't I market myself freely?