A viral Facebook post hit more than 200 thousand shares over two pairs of American Eagle shorts. (Found here https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1047987928... ) Being a super huge fan of American Eagle's shorts and jeans, I decided to do my own test on this, because I honestly didn't really believe it.
Obviously the media is always changing, but I didn't realize that retail clothing stores not only mimic the style of clothes, but also the size of clothes. Within the matter of two years my size 0 shorts have suddenly become a size 8! I don't care about the number, as loong as they're comfotable to me, but what is this teaching young girls, or society in gneral? What about people with eating disorders, and have issues with body cofidence, what are we telling them by doing stuff like this?
If you're like me and found yourself moving up sizes this summer, don't worry your shorts are proably still the same size, just a different number this year!