Advice for the Next Four Years from Kendrick Lamar | The Odyssey Online
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Advice for the Next Four Years from Kendrick Lamar

We gon' be alright.

Advice for the Next Four Years from Kendrick Lamar

Depending on your personal life situation, your political preferences, or your general sense of positivity or negativity, the next four years may be looking both bright and grim. In times like these, which are filled with a murky mixture of despair, hopefulness, fear, uncertainty, and excitement, it is important to have some guidance along the way.

Here are some Kendrick Lamar quotes that will help you through the next four years, no matter how life is looking for you right now.

“Build your own pyramids, write your own hieroglyphs.” ~ Section.80

As 2017 starts to gain full speed ahead, remember that now is a time for new beginnings, changes, and challenges in your life. Take life by the horns and test yourself. Push your limits, and create a path that is uniquely yours.

“The sky is falling, the wind is calling. Stand for something, or die in the morning.” ~ Section.80

There is plenty of political and social outrage in the country right now on both sides of the isle. Instead of complaining or stressing out, stand up for what you believe in if you want to make progress.

“We all get distracted, the question is, would you bounce back or bounce backwards?” ~ Overly Dedicated

I personally can’t get anything done without getting distracted, but that is because I am human. Our true ability to beat distraction depends on how we respond to it.

“But what love got to do with it when you don't love yourself?” ~ good kid, m.A.A.d city

Another important reminder, stay positive throughout the next four years! Appreciate the finer things in your life, and appreciate yourself. Know your strengths and love your favorite qualities. We must respect and love ourselves if we want to live in positivity.

“Look at me, look at me, I’m a loser, I’m a winner. I’m good, I’m bad, I’m a Christian, I’m a sinner. I’m humble, I’m loud, I’m righteous, I’m a killer. What I’m doing, I’m saying that I’m human.” ~ Section.80

We all have our problems. Well, maybe not problems as extreme as the ones that Kendrick talks about here, but don’t beat yourself up for your weaknesses. Accept them as you, because we all have weaknesses and make mistakes. Remember that they make you human.

“Dreams of reality’s peace, blow steam in the face of the beast. The sky could fall down, the wind could cry now. The strong in me, I still smile.” ~ To Pimp a Butterfly

When times get tough, be strong. You may face overwhelming obstacles that may seem impossible to overcome. Just stay strong, stay positive, and reach out to your closest for help if you need it. Above all, smile.

Most importantly, stick close to your friends. When things get crazy, just remember:

“We gon’ be alright.” ~ To Pimp a Butterfly

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