At the ripeold age of 19, I have begun to reflect upon my younger self. While doing so, I realized some valuable information that I wish I had known sooner. These are pieces of advice that I would give to my younger self and to anyone of any age.
1. Sleep
As you grow older, you'll hardcore miss nap time. Sleep is essential for a healthy body and mind so close your book, turn off your phone and get some rest. Also, homework is not worth staying up all night, you'll just be a zombie later in class. Get what you can done and then finish it in the morning.
2. Growing older does not mean growing up.
Your body will age but your spirit does not. Continue to laugh at stupid jokes and loving what others might call childish. You don't have to become a super serious adult, believe it or not, fun has no age limit.
3. Don't let the opinions of others define you.
There will be people in life who think their opinions should shape you, but that isn't true. Their opinions honestly don't matter in terms of your self perception. While every opinion is valid, not every opinion is necessary. The only person who can define who you are is you.
4. Love yourself.
Life is too short to hate yourself. Infact, life is miserable when you hate yourself. In the grand scheme of life, it doesn't matter what you weigh or how tall you are. It matters if you're a good person. Who cares if you have stretch marks or rolls? Who cares if you're skinny and can see your bones? The only time any of this matters is in regards to your health. Be healthy (Whatever that may mean to you.) and love your body, it's the only one you'll ever get.