It's good to listen to others.
Especially when there's a gray hair atop the speaker's head or laugh lines creasing a face that's seen a lot of what this world has to offer.
There's plenty I find myself wishing I would've known when I was 12, like don't buy "Twilight" action figures. But hey, who was I to know? I'm only 20. In my short life thus far, I've learned some do's and don'ts, but that's not even half of what others can tell us through their own experiences with trial and error. Let me preface this by saying I have a crazy family, a wonderful one with a lot of character, but a crazy one as well. They've done a lot, seen a lot, said a lot, and during this year's family reunion with zero WiFi, mosquitoes during mating season, deer as neighbors, and woods and meadows as our backyard, conversation on the back porch was the only big hoorah! of the day. It was funny, sometimes sad, but the members of my family were good enough to entertain me with their answers to the ponderous question "What advice would you give your younger self?" Some answers are serious, some light-hearted, but all are well-intended.
Take what you will from them.
Annie, 14 - "Go outside more, stop stressing out, and don't take life so seriously."
Cole, 18 - "Don't procrastinate and try not to be so shy."
Diane, 49 - "Have confidence in yourself, and push yourself to do things that you aren't comfortable doing because that is how you grow."
Yvette, 49 - "Enjoy your beauty." *laughs* "But seriously. And take advantage of every opportunity."
Marcel, 50 - "Do what you want when you want it. Be the ruler of your universe. And for the record, I wouldn't change a damn thing."
Brent, 52 - "Stay centered in the present moment. Never assume. Always do your best."
Kevin, 54 - "Don't live your life for others. Spend your money on experiences, not things."
Karla, 56 - "Stay strong and be yourself in this jungle of a world."
Joyce, 74 - "Get out of your mind. Be grateful for your blessings."
Terry, 80 - "I wish I would've had sex with a human being much earlier. Try to become more sophisticated about the world by traveling and by learning about different kinds of people instead of marrying your childhood sweetheart."
Edwin, 84 - "Do everything you can, do as much as possible in the first 25 years of your life. Live healthily as far as diet and exercise so that you can live longer. Make it your job. Can you tell I'm a doctor?"