I took to social media to ask my followers "if you could talk to your younger self, what is one piece of advice that you would give?" And the responses were... surprisingly really good! Hopefully you can borrow a piece or two and learn a few things.
1. "Don't kill yourself over-stressing about school. It's important, but it's not everything."Â
Assuming you're referring to High School, I agree 100%. High School is honestly (sorry everyone that taught me at good ol' Richmond) a biggggg waste of time. I did not learn anything about anything, literally just that enforcing the uniform policy and not being 1 minute late to class is more important than an education. High School, by no means, prepared me for college, but I'm just gonna continue siping my tea.
2. "Love yourself even when you don't like yourself."Â
I really need to follow this more. There are so many days where I absolutely hate myself and the skin I'm in, and I really need to show myself more love.
3. "Pretty much everyone from high school is a piece of shit."
Sheesh. I can definitely say with utmost certainty that I hated high school and my entire experience there, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that.
I feel that. Well, I actually don't because my forever alone ass has never been in a relationship; but in spirit - I feel that.
5. "Don't over pluck your eyebrows... like ever."
Gosh, I had the worst brows in the late 2000's, and I'm still paying the price for it. Thank God I draw them on everyday! Otherwise that would be absolutely tragic.
6. "Be unapologetically you and you will love yourself more for it."
Okay yessss! I really wish I could go back in time and tell myself that as well. There were too many years of my life spent trying to conform to what was trendy and cool in order to be popular, and I couldn't have been further from myself. I am so glad that I have finally become comfortable with myself and have found who I am as a person today, and I can only hope that everyone else finds that happiness as well.
8. "Don't date that guy."Â
But if you didn't date that guy, you wouldn't have that advice to give to me to put in this article. See, everything happens for a reason, and you have to go through things that you may not be proud of or possibly regret in order to become a stronger, more wise individual. Facts.
9. "Take risks and don't be afraid to fail."Â
Absolutely. I believe that we humans can sometimes hold ourselves back from greatness because we are afraid to fail. Never, and I mean never be afraid of failure. Even if the outcome of your risk(s) doesn't end up working out how you wanted it too, you can still learn something from the experience. Nothing in life should be considered a failure.
10. "Travel while you can."
Always, always, always travel when the opportunity arises. When you get to be a certain age (I.e. out of college and/or working full time) you're not going to have time to travel at your leisure, unless you're fortunate enough to have a job that allows for it. Explore the world, it can teach you so, so much.
11. "Don't let the glory, fame and good looks get to your head."Â
Okay, chill lol. But honestly, those things don't last forever; so appreciate them while you can and don't expect them to carry you through life.
12. "Trust my gut instincts."Â
I still need to learn this. I have spent so much time overthinking my entire life and all the decisions that I have made; and truthfully, if I would have just went with my gut instinct, I would have been much better off.
13. "Never settle. I am good enough and deserve nothing but the best!"
This goes for anyone reading this: you should never settle, in any circumstance. Whether it be in relationships, school, work, etc. never, never, NEVER settle for anything but the best.
14. "Trust in things as they happen, even though it's hard to think some things will get better, they do. You move on, and become a bigger and better person as life progresses."
This is so true. Pain, sadness, loneliness, any negative emotion or feeling is just a temporary state. Everything always happens for a reason, and overcoming the hard times shape you into an amazing and resilient person.
15. "Don't let any boy dull your shine."Â
Y'all are coming for men in this advice, huh? The same thing applies for females though, never let a significant other, friends with benefits or any other type of partner bring you down.
16. "Don't ever try to please anyone but yourself because you'll get hurt."Â
Okay, I agree partially. DO try and please people, make them happy when they need it, do things for them, etc. BUT ONLY DO IT ON YOUR TERMS. Don't expect anything from it! When you try and please someone expecting a certain outcome, that's when there is room for you to get hurt; because things do not always go according to plan.
What advice would you give to your younger self? I would tell my younger self that the whole "it's not a phase mom!" phase actually was a phase and that those helmet bangs that I had were not. cute.