We can all admit that we have made one or two mistakes in our lifetime, right? Whether it was choosing the wrong brand of clothing or failing a few classes here and there. Some were minor and some, well, not so much. At least we can sit here today, look back, and notice what we did wrong. Don’t you all just wish you knew then what you know now? So why not help out the ones there now? What would you tell your younger self? Here is my advice to the younger generation. These are all from experience.
Take time to do your homework—when you aren't in school anymore, you will wish you have something to occupy your free time.
When your parents tell you to go to bed on time, do it - you will cherish early nights for early mornings. They are just preparing you.
Don’t push yourself to that “hottie with a body,” if anything happens, it probably won’t turn into what you expect - boys at that age like to experiment.
Choose the right path for you—hang out with people who won’t pressure you into anything - if you don’t want something, don’t put yourself in that situation.
Even if something isn’t going right, don’t assume it is the end of the world - it’s not. I promise.
Don’t ever feel like you need a guy in your life—I promise you that you WILL find the one, without sampling every guy.
Find a job as soon as you can - it will make you feel really good about yourself when you don't have to ask mommy and daddy for money.
Teach yourself how to budget, don’t go to a move every night and go on a shopping spree the day you get your paycheck - you will better yourself for the future.
Make sure to stay close to your parents - they will forever be there for you whether you disappoint them or not.
You will never be too naughty in your parents eyes—they will forever be there for you.
Don’t try to sneak anything by your parents - they will ALWAYS find out one way or another - they were once your age.
Don’t rely on drugs to be your best friend - you will hurt your true best friend in the long run.
Don’t be rude to the "outcast"—they don’t need it from you—something isn’t going right in their life.
Bullies are only rude because they are jealous - so keep shining on.
Don't wish to be out of school - you will soon wish you were still in school—adulting sucks.
Make sure to just be yourself, don't try to impress anyone—most of your high school peers won't even talk to you outside of school.
Don't let the rumors get to you—they are called RUMORS not FACTS.
Don't take the life you have for granted.