Whether college may be for you or not, it is an experience worth living. Here is some advice that you may find insightful as you take on this new journey.
1. Go to class.
2. Use Google Drive for EVERYTHING
Thank me later when your computer dies and you didn't save your work on Word. Or when you forgot your laptop or flash drive and you need to print something out.
3. Get a planner, and actually use it
There is nothing better then finishing an assignment and crossing it off in your planner.
4. Take advantage of campus resources
Go to the career center, go to the library for tutoring, etc. It is included in your tuition...use your resources given to you for the amount of money you are paying to go to college. These resources are VERY helpful I promise you. Try to get everything you can out of them and start early in your college career.
5. Get involved
It sounds so redundant and I know you probably hear this way too much but like seriously - believe what you hear because everyone is right about this because it is SO imperative.
6. Step out of your comfort zone
You will appreciate this in the future because it is a brave thing to do and in the end is so worth it. Broadening your horizons and putting yourself out there is key because people skills, as well as communication skills, are so important.
7. Learn how to live with people
No one is perfect. Realize that. Learn how to see things from another persons perspective and just know that you're not always going to be right about everything, you will make mistakes, but you will grow and learn from them.