Growing up... we all have to do it sooner or later. You chose whether or not you want your "growing up" experience to be challenging or easy. If I would have known some of the things I'm about to tell you, then it would have made my life SOOOO much easier.
1. How to say "no"
There are many instances that a simple two letter word could have saved me so much trouble. Whether it was caving into peer pressure, giving people money, or any other variety of complicated teenage drama, saying no would have saved me from a lot of headaches
2. How to save money
Every dollar I wasted on toys, food, other people is greatly missed now. When you get older, you too, will probably regret spending money on pointless things
3. Stop chasing after those fake friends you won't have in a few years
Say goodbye to 95% of your high school friends. You think you will last forever, but people grow older and just move apart.
4. Take your time and appreciate not paying bills. Love your childhood
Boy do I miss the days of mid afternoon naps and coming straight home after school to watch Spongebob marathons with snacks and playgrounds.
5.Your mother is always right.
Even when you don't want her to be, somehow in the end she always is right
6. Workout and eat healthy!!!
So all those relentless speeches your parents give you about eating your veggies... is true!!! Take it from me: there will be a day when you wake up and there are nothing but aches and pains from many years of eating 4000 calories of sugar a day and not exercising in years.
7. Love yourself
And finally, I would tell you to love yourself and believe in your abilities more than you ever have before and make the most out of life