A few days before my high school graduation, I was sitting in my English class. My classmates were talking about who would be the first person to cry at graduation, everyone looked at me, and I began to shed a few tears right then and there.
I am not an outwardly emotional person. I do not cry in front of people, but the thought of leaving this place hit me hard.
I never knew how much this building and the people in it meant to me, until my last days.
High school isn't for everyone, but there is something for everyone in high school. You just have to find out what your "thing" is.
Before you graduate consider trying a sport, club, or even a production!
Since you legally must attend some sort of schooling, why not make the best of it?
If you don't enjoy your high school, figure out why you don't enjoy it, and fix it.
I luckily found my "thing" in high school, and that was Student Government. It gave me a sense of belonging, and for once, I had a voice.
I served as the representative for my class, and I'm so grateful for it.
It gave me the opportunity to voice not only my own, but my classmate's concerns, to teachers, our principal, and even the superintendent.
My biggest advice to anyone still in high school is to make your school a place where you want to go.
Make it more than a school, make it a home.
But, I won't lie, throughout high school, there were a lot of times where I felt done. I sat in the classroom looking at the clock waiting for the school day to be over. I counted down the days until summer like it was my job.
Now that I am done, I wish I could take back all of those moments.
High school goes by in the blink of an eye, but if you feel like I did, just remember that soon you'll be in my shoes.
In a short period of time, you will be walking in front of your friends and family accepting your diploma.
This thought will either make you savor every moment that you have left, or it will motivate you to stick it out to the end.
Don't give up. No matter what.
If you're planning on going to college or getting a successful job, you can not give up. I had friends who fooled around freshman year and regretted it senior year.
I had friends who were accepted to college on scholarships and figured they didn't have to try anymore, and they wound up losing their scholarships.
If you are struggling in a course, talk to your teachers. They are human and understand that some people aren't the best at math or English.
Use your resources, if you're having overly stressed or having problems in your life, consider confiding in your guidance department. They can offer support and sometimes that's just what you need. Senior year was rough for me, I lost three important people in my life, but having the support of my school behind me, helped.
One day you'll blink and you'll be out of high school.
If you ever want to visit you can no longer just walk in, you have to show photo ID and get a visitors card.
It's can be weird that for four years you had a set routine, and then one day, just like that, you don't.
So, if there is one thing you can take away from this article, it's that you have the ability to make your high school experience as bad or as good as you want.
Going into the school year with a positive mindset can do wonders.
Change any negative thoughts to positive ones, tell yourself you can do this. Tell yourself you're going to join a team. Make memories, meet friends, and just enjoy it.
When I arrived at my school every morning, it didn't feel like I was at school. It genuinely felt like a second home. I made sure that I knew the majority of the people in that building and that they knew me. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, got involved and joined around nine clubs!
This is your life.
You only get one opportunity to be a high schooler, so take advantage of it.
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