The transition from high school to college is more difficult for some than others, but ultimately brings challenges for everyone. You learn so much your freshman year, and yes, I am about to be that person who gives you advice to which you will probably roll your eyes and say "yeah, right" to.
Take advantage of your meal plan.
Look, I know it gets old super old super quick. I know the food isn't all that great, but you need to just grin and bear it. There's nothing wrong with eating out here and there, obviously, but when you find yourself eating out more than in your dining hall, there are a few things you should remind yourself of.
Firstly, you pay for that meal plan, and as much as you hate it, all freshmen have to have it at most colleges. Why pay for something that you aren't going to utilize? Secondly, when you (or your parents) check your bank statement to see random 5, 6, and 7 dollar charges from Chick-fil-a, Wendy's, and Cookout, they're probably not going to be very happy. Plus, you could buy something you really want (or even pay off that parking ticket) with the money you saved.
Get involved with something.
Whether that something be Greek life, club sports, service societies, or a club pertaining to your major, I cannot stress enough how important it is to get involved. As a freshman, you'll need friends to help guide you through that hectic first year, and if you go to even a relatively large university, I can guarantee there is a club or organization that will suit your interests. It's okay to test the waters and decide you don't like a particular club-- college is all about trial and error and finding what you love Not only that, but campus involvement is a boost for your resume, and it's never too early to start building that.
Call your parents.
We're all busy and we're all trying to find our own independence, but your parents miss you. No, I'm not saying to call them every day, three times a day (if you do, that's cool too), but just pick up the phone to tell them what's going on. I promise they'll appreciate it.
Don't take advantage of those 1 or 2-hour courses.
If you think that you can be careless about your healthful living or orientation classes, please reconsider. As easy it is to skip these classes, please, for the love of god, don't do it. Let's say you unexpectedly bombed your biology final and now your GPA is going to fall below what you need it to be. You'll be wishing you had just went to class and put in the minimal effort for those easy classes because they would've cushioned that fall. Trust me, I've been there.
Go to office hours.
Hear me out. Professors have to designate a few hours a week for their office hours. Chances are, students aren't lining up outside of their door to try and get in. Even if you don't have any current concerns, just going in to speak to them will help you more than you think. They're probably bored out of their minds and would enjoy some company. If you need a reference for a job, or an extra seventh of a point to make an A, being acquainted with your professors will come in handy.
Do your laundry.
Don't be like me. I would not do laundry until all I had left to wear was a t-shirt that has paint stains and my high school's logo on it. It piles up quicker than you think, and if you don't know how to do laundry, I suggest learning how. On that note, don't bring so many clothes that you know you won't wear. It's easy to think you'll potentially wear something, but once you get to school and realize your wardrobe will primarily consist of oversized t-shirts and running shorts, you'll be thankful that you didn't bring 3 of the exact same dress in a different color. Trust me on this, as I just moved out of my dorm and forgot about some of the clothes I had brought to school with me because I never wore them.
Make mistakes and have fun.
You can only blame things on being a freshman once. I'm not saying to knowingly make poor decisions all of the time, but it is part of the college experience. Go out when you should probably stay in (not often), spend money on an outfit when you need to pay your parking ticket, talk to people who aren't good for you, fall for a person that you know it won't work out with.
Embrace every opportunity that is thrown your way. If it works, awesome, if it doesn't, then that's okay too. Yeah, you'll face repercussions, and yeah, they will suck. Take the experiences, lessons, and mistakes to better yourself and figure out what you can and can't do. College is about finding yourself, and you can't do that without slipping every once in a while.
For all of my high school graduates, have fun this summer and anticipate your freshman year of college! It truly is like no other. Get excited, buy things for your dorm, get to know your roomie before you move in, and take it all in! Freshman year only happens once, and you have the power to make it a great year.