Finals week at Georgia Southern University has a unique.... charm that only Eagles can know and love and hate. I, as a senior, have developed a system of success for making it through finals week with most of your sanity. Since this is my last finals week, I thought it was time for me to share this system of things that are sure to get through this week of total hell.
1. Go to Landrum's Midnight Breakfast.
Every finals week, Landrum, or Dining Commons as you newbies call it, break out all of the stops for a study break breakfast from midnight until two A.M. Take that break, get you some breakfast, make some memories.
2. Visit the Therapy Dogs at Hendy.
Who needs a break during finals week? Better question... who doesn't? Club Hendy (A.K.A. Henderson Library) will have the famous therapy dogs back again on December 4-6 from 5-6 P.M. Don't miss it.
3. Take advantage of Hendy's 24-hour schedule.
I, for one, can't study at home. I can't do it. There are a million other things I have to do that are at home, so when finals week rolls around.. Hendy is the best place for me. Be productive.
4. Don't rely on the Georgia Southern Transit.
JUST DON'T DO IT. It's always late, always packed, and ALWAYS unreliable. Just drive and risk the ticket, or catch a ride with a friend.
5. Get a Focus candle, and light it.
Head over to the SMall, go straight to Bath and Body Works, and buy one of these miracles. Light it up, and start studying. It works, I promise.
6. Stay away from your professors' offices.
You don't want to be that student, it's embarrassing. Don't go crying to them, don't go disputing grades from the beginning of the semester that you never cared about then, and DON'T be rude or tell them what you think. That's what course evaluations are for.
7. Don't snap at ANY other student, you have NO idea what they're going through.
They may be on the 72nd hour of a study-binge, they might have just flunked a final and failed a test, or they could even be sleep-walking. Just be nice.
8. Spend your Dining Dollars/Eagle Express ASAP.
Don't wait until the last day of the semester, because then you'll be stuck in forever long lines at Chick-Fil-A or Starbucks. Use your DD & EE throughout the week to avoid these lines.
9. Have no shame, work those Pajamas.
Nobody cares what you look like. It's finals week, just go with it.
10. Don't let one bad thing ruin everything for you.
If you fail a final, blow a tire, or whatever unfortunate thing comes your way - just take it with a grain of salt. Don't let it ruin all of your other grades, or interfere with your studying. Just keep moving forward, you can deal with it after finals.
11. Turn off your phone, if you need to.
Toxic family members, party friends, whatever or whoever you need to avoid - just turn it off and focus.
12. Celebrate.
You've worked hard, when it's all over - have fun. You're going to remember these days, the good and the bad, forever. Make some good.
13. Seniors, take it all in - every moment.
This one's a new one for me. This place has been my home for the past four years, it's been my safe place, my happy place. It's been the place I scream GATA on football Saturdays, the place I cried happy tears over a grade. It's the place that got me through losing my grandfather, the place that gave me everything, the place that gave me incredible friendships. Just take it in, seniors, because whether you believe it or not - this place has been something to you, too.