So, if you're reading this, you are either a single looking for advice, or you just really wanted to read my article, which I appreciate nonetheless. But, since this is an article geared towards singles, I will continue talking directly to them. Valentine's Day is a time-honored holiday, during which couples profusely proclaim their mutual love and affection for one another, or, if you're lucky, singles may be able to fine one another. You may feel the pressure of the coming holiday, the constant advertisements on TV showing jewelry, chocolate, and flowers. But don't sweat it fellow singles, as a chronic single I have a lot of experience in weathering this terrifying holiday.
[Valentine's Day will also be shortened to V-Day for the remainder of this article]
1. Don't submit to the pressure of finding a partner before V-Day.
While you may feel like you have to find someone before V-Day, please, do not let this move you into a relationship that: a) you may not be ready for, b) you do not want, or c) will only end badly for you. V-Day does not force you to be in a relationship, you do. So if you have entered into some sort of relationship with someone that you actually have no interest in whatsoever, please, for both them and you, call it off. You both deserve better, healthier, more consensual relationships than what you are currently giving one another.
2. Don't let someone else change your relationship because of V-Day.
Just like number one, number two focuses on the same kind of idea. If you are casually flirting or talking to someone, but then they suddenly want to take it further because it's closer to V-Day, do not feel forced to move forward.
If you are not comfortable taking the relationship further, please say so. Never feel like you have to take the next step in a relationship just because your partner does. A relationship is a two-way street; you both meet in the middle with general things that you verbally agree upon. Honesty and communication are key.
3. Never change who you are to get into a relationship.
I've seen people dress differently, hoping to attract someone. I've people change how they act or behave to cater to someone that they liked. And I am not proud to say this, but I have also done those things myself. I started to change who I was as an individual, hoping to attract that one person that I thought was cute or anyone really. I didn't like myself for doing that, nor did I get a date for V-Day. So, please, if you take anything from this article, at least remember this bit of advice. Never change who are you for someone else.
4. Stay away from generally romantic locations if V-Day upsets you.
Some good places to stay away from are:
Cute little cafés
Flower stores
Chocolate tasting places
Jewelry stores
Also, clubs. (They will probably be having a couples dance night or something of the sort.)
5. Do what makes you happy if you're still single on V-Day
You may feel upset that you are single, yet again, on another V-Day. Or maybe you were in a relationship on V-Day last year, but you've broken up. It's okay to feel this way, and my best advice is to "treat yo'self." V-Day is just another day. So do what makes you happy. Go shopping, read some books, eat chocolate, eat fried foods. Indulge in what makes you feel good.
V-Day does not define you or anyone else. It does not mean that if you're single on V-Day that you are unlovable, or that you will forever be alone. You are an individual, you are unique. So, you might just have to wait a little longer to find that special someone that digs you as a person. Wait for that special someone. Who knows, you might meet them after V-Day.
Or, if you just want a casual fling on V-Day, you can do that too. Like I said, "treat yo'self!".
And if you're completely happy being single, kudos to you. It seems like you have your ducks in a row. Maybe I should take some advice from you next time V-Day rolls around.