There comes a day where we feel the sun doesn't shine. We look up at the sky and ask "Why?"
No one really has an answer to why things happen but they still happen. All at once we feel our body aching and we can't seem to react to the world around us. Things get hard. Someone you loved left the physical world you live in and you feel an empty hole in your heart.
Losing loved ones is one of the most difficult things to face. Especially when those around you don't understand. You cry, you don't pay attention, and getting back on your feet is a difficult step to take you don't want to feel as if you are okay with the loss of your loved one but you also know you need to take a step forward not back.
If you're reading this and you think about the person you love who is gone now and feel sad you are not alone. Life happens although we don't like what happens all the time I like to believe things happen for a reason even if they seem completely unfair.
I know that growing old is a blessing and yes losing family or friends of and older age hurts but at least we know they lived a long beautiful life. What hurts even more is when a young life is taken. They had their whole life ahead of them. They didn't get to graduate whether it had been elementary, high school, or college. Never got to build a family, nor travel the world. I constantly think about who all my loved ones would be if they were still around today. Would they have been teachers? Doctors? Business men/women? Would they have a family? Have traveled around the world already? Who would they be? That I don't know, what I know is no matter how many people come and go in our lives we have to be happy. Be happy we got to know them. Got to learn about them and their hopes, dreams, and overall life... We need to celebrate life. Celebrate the life around us, the life our loved ones lived, and celebrate the life we are given each and every day.
My advice to you is to always love, remind your family and friends of the love you have for them and never let a day pass without doing so. The life we live doesn't promise tomorrow so live each day like your last. And may those we love be forever Resting in Peace.
Here is to my family and friends who I miss dearly. Love you forever.