After my first year in college came to an end last month, I realized I should pass a few tips to the new upcoming freshmen, that I wish I knew once I entered school for the first day as a clueless freshman.
Do not spend your dining dollars too fast. Sure, dining dollars are free money, but nothing is worse than having only 100 dining dollars with 4 more weeks left in the semester, and having to triple check that those skittles you're buying now won't leave you with 0 dining dollars the last week when you actually need them.
Speaking of dining dollars, save some for finals. You will be stressed and you will binge eat. There is no avoiding the countless snacks and ice cream you'll eat when acknowledging the fact that even though you studied really hard, you're still guaranteed to fail. You will need those extra 10 dining dollars in order to fuel your need for ice cream.
Make a few friends on the Facebook page. No matter how awkward you may feel that your, "Hi! My name is ___, and I'm also a communications major!" may seem, you actually might meet one of the greatest people ever that way.
Relationships are great. Don't assume that since you're in college that sleeping around is the way to go. Once you find the guy/girl you're actually attracted to, and eventually pursue a relationship, college will become 100x better than any experience you would have thought it would have brought you. I can promise you that you will never regret your college relationship if it is meant to be.
Join a club. Every single person you'll meet while entering your college career, whether it's a parent, a friend, an advisor or anyone - they are going to tell you to join a club and you're going to brush off their recommendation by saying "I know, I will." Please do join a club, no matter which one it is, your new friends will be waiting to meet you there. Never in my life would I have thought I would have joined a sorority, but I met some of my best friends there, while also gaining leadership skills, proper etiquette, and so much more. I'm so glad I joined a club and found it to be my perfect fit.
Don't be afraid to be weird. Honestly, I am probably the strangest person out there. Even while knowing I was, I wasn't afraid to put myself out there and just be myself. It doesn't matter if you pick up a stuffed-owl-stress-ball as a joke at the Rec Center, and name him Hoot, because he might become a member of your sorority and your fellow sisters also might make him an Instagram. Just because you're weird, don't be afraid or embarrassed because some people love being weird just as much as you do.
Do your laundry. Nothing is worse than waking up in the morning to get dressed, then realizing you ran out of clean underwear. Then, once you realize you need to throw your clothes in the wash, your schedule is packed until 11 p.m., and your forced to do laundry at midnight. Hey, at least you'll smell good.
Realize you do have work to do. As fun as college may be, sadly everyone does have work that must me done. I assure you that if you wait until 2 a.m. to do your homework, you'll be roaming around campus as a half zombie/ half student for the day.
Branch out. Make as many friends as you can. Nothing is better than having options. In fact, hanging out with multiple people in different friend groups is a good idea. Nothing is worse than when your select few friends need to go to chapter, go to class, or there's a closed, private social. Instead of only having one friend to be with all the time, make friends with everyone so you'll never be stuck inside your dorm at night, watching Netflix alone.
Don't overthink things. Don't overthink the amount of fun you'll have at a party. Personally, I would convince myself I wouldn't have a good time if I didn't feel comfortable in a situation so I wouldn't go. Trust me, no matter what the event is — go. College is supposed to be the best four years of your life, so go and experience as much as you can!