There are many things that life teaches you, especially while in college. During these four years, you will learn a lot by making mistakes, changing as a person, and encountering new experiences. These are a few things I wish I had learned, or known, much sooner than I did.
1. Be open minded
College is a lot different than high school. There are more opportunities, different types of people, and things you’ve never experienced before. Keeping an open mind about each of these will allow you to dive into new experiences and learn more about other people.
2. It’s okay to be single
Many people go into college with the intention of finding their “soulmate," aka the one who they’ll marry. I heard a wise quote that said, “You go to college to meet your bridesmaids, not your husband.” Don’t force a relationship just because you think you should. Find great friends first, and if you’re meant to find the person you’ll marry, you will.
3. Apologize when you’re wrong
This is something I wish I would have learned earlier on because I’m very stubborn. It is okay to apologize to those who you’ve wronged. It is so important!
4. And forgive others who apologize to you
In the end, forgiving someone who has wronged you will make you feel so much better and will lift a weight off your shoulders.
5. Be kind to your family
Your family will not always be there. Don’t take advantage of their love for you, and show them the love they deserve.
6. Put your phone down
Make meaningful connections instead of obsessing over how many likes you got on a picture or being jealous of someone’s “perfect” life on social media. There is no truer form of communication than face-to-face interaction. Be present and enjoy the moment you’re in.
7. Learn to laugh at yourself
You’re going to make mistakes, this is inevitable. It’s okay to laugh at yourself when you do something silly, learn from it, and move on. This will help take a lot of pressure off yourself, too!
8. Don’t take things too personally
This is also something I still need to keep in mind because I’m so sensitive. Sometimes people don't think before they speak, so don’t take what people say too personally. If you’re happy with what you’re doing, no one else’s opinion should matter.
9. Take a lot of photos
This is the best way to capture moments and remember the special times you had in college.
10. Don’t spend your days dreading going to school
Make the most out of it. Soon you’ll miss your friends and regret taking your days with them for granted.
11. Life is bigger than high school and college drama
The petty drama that you might have dealt with, or are dealing with right now, will pass. Don’t get hung up on it. Be the bigger person and realize that after college, it really won’t matter.
12. Everyone makes mistakes
Instead of dwelling on them, learn from your mistake and turn it into something positive.
13. He probably isn’t the love of your life
Let’s be real, college boys aren’t the most mature people out there and many of them aren’t ready for a serious relationship. People change so much throughout college and you may realize that although you think he’s “the one," try to be realistic with yourself. Just because it didn’t work out with someone in college doesn’t mean you won’t meet someone who it will work out with.
14. Write in a journal
Not only does this help get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper, it’s a great way to document memories. It’s so interesting to go back and read past entries to see where you were compared to where you are now.
15. It’s okay to lose a friend or two along the way
People grow up and they change. It’s a part of life and it’s okay. You will meet so many people in life, especially during college. Try not to get hung up on friendships that didn't work out.
16. Invest in yourself
You should always be your first priority. When you decide to invest time, energy, and money in yourself, you can never lose. At the end of the day, all you have left is yourself.
17. Tell people how you feel
No one is a mind reader! Tell people what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling or they will never know. You need to communicate with others, it’s how life works. It’s as simple as that.
18. Accept change
And embrace it. Whatever situation you’re in right now, good or bad, it will change. You can always count on the fact that nothing is permanent. Change means something new, and who isn't excited about experiencing new things?
19. Stop worrying so much about how other people view you
What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you. If you go around trying to please everyone, you will fail. So as long as you’re doing what you love and you’re happy, you are doing great.
20. Be honest
This is so important. Whether it is honesty within your relationship or with yourself, it will make everything a lot easier. Living a life of honesty creates peace of mind.
College is somewhat of a trial and error experience. You may not do as well at things as you wish you would, but this all adds to the college experience. You'll grow as a person, meet new friends, and make memories that last a lifetime. I hope these 20 tips will help you better your own college experience.