I know that graduation is right around the corner and you can hardly wait. You have been breaking your back to earn this diploma and this 4 year sentence of high school will soon be coming to an end. However, for those of you who will be pursuing a higher education, my best piece of advice is good luck. You’re in for one hell of a ride.
First of all, don’t come to college with high expectations, or any. The higher your expectations are of living this jovial, incredible college life, the more it will disappoint you. You really are moving on to bigger and better things, and with that comes a larger difficulty level at life. Schooling becomes harder, making friends becomes harder, and even simple things such as having enough time in the day to get a quick nap in becomes nearly impossible. When you find yourself stuck in this position, just breathe. You will get through it.
This leads me to my next topic; stress.
Being stressed out will make every situation so much worse. There will be nights you cry yourself to sleep. There will be days every once in a while you don’t go to class simply due to the fact you can’t find the motivation to get out of bed and face your problems for the day, and that is perfectly okay. Sometimes all you need is a day for yourself to unwind and binge watch Netflix as much as your heart desires.
With that being said, stay on top of your grades as much as possible. In high school, you could easily slip by and pass a class without doing a majority of the work. In college, you get the grades you deserve. If you put in next to no effort, you will fail so hard. But likewise, if you put in strenuous amounts of effort and go to tutoring and review sessions, you will pass with flying colors. It is really all up to you on how your grades play out. Also, there are many on campus facilities that will help you with any subject, for very little or no cost at all. I highly, highly suggest utilizing these at least for your first semester.
If you are still considering whether to live on campus or not, I suggest that you do. Living in the dorms has made me much more social and I have met friends that I will have for a lifetime. Your roommates will be going through the same struggles college brings to you as well, and it is always nice to have a friend willing to listen. Also, make sure to be respectful to your roommates. It will benefit you in the long run.
Last but not least, make the best of every wonderful thing that college throws at you. It is a huge change, but you will adjust just fine and everything will work out in the end. Best of luck!